Zhu Zhanqian, the fifth son of the emperor, first presented the king to Changsha and then to Xiangyang. When crossing Anlu, "Guo Yingzhi will be led by civil and military officials, and the king of Qi will be presented to Guo Yingzhi tomorrow. Tomorrow, Xiang, Wang Jiao sent Xiang, saying, "Brothers will never meet again, and they will leave with tears. ".""Ming History" also said that Liang Wang could not bear to stay. "Grief and indignation do not give up, and both sides are crying. "
Extended data
1. According to the epitaph of the tomb of King Liangzhuang unearthed in the tomb, the name of King Liangzhuang is Zhu Zhan? The ninth son of Ming Renzong was born on June 17th in the 9th year of Yongle (14 1). 14 years old (1424) was given the title of King Liang, and 19 years old (1429) went to Fan Hu Guang 'an Lu country, and was orthodox for six years (65438).
2. The tomb of King Liangzhuang in Ming Dynasty is the burial tomb of Zhu Zhanyang, the ninth son of Zhu Gaochi in Ming Dynasty, and Wei Fei. More than 5,300 pieces of gold, jade and porcelain have been unearthed, and there are more than 700 pieces of precious stones embedded in various unearthed cultural relics, which is the highest among the tombs of Ming princes excavated in China, and the rich and exquisite funerary objects are second only to Dingling in Ming tombs.
On June 5th, 3.20 14, it was learned in the exhibition "Tomb of King Liangzhuang of Ming Dynasty-Treasures of Zheng He's Era" exhibited in Hubei Provincial Museum that the jewelry embedded in the jewelry in the tomb of King Liangzhuang was confirmed by experts to be the jewelry brought back by Zheng He when he went to the West. According to Ying Ya Sheng Lan, Zheng He's fleet bought many jewels in the west, but people don't know what these jewels Zheng He brought back from the west.
Baidu encyclopedia-tomb of liangzhuang king