NwcAmbrosia gets the materials for free.
Automatic game
NwcAres won the battle.
NwcAchilles was defeated.
NwcHephaestus gets "chain mail the Elf"
NwcEtTuBrute got the dagger of despair.
NwcExcalibur obtains "negative loop"
NwcNibelungenlied won the "sword of god"
NwcTristram won the crusade.
NwcLancelot got the warrior.
Michael got the angel.
NwcSevenLittleGuys gets dwarfs.
NwcMerlin gets monks.
NwcCronus won the giant
NwcBlahBlah gets vampires.
NwcHades got the devil
NwcUnderTheBridge wins "troll"
NwcKingMinos got the minotaur.
NwcXanthus will have nightmares.
NwcFafnir gets the black dragon.
NwcDoYouSmellBrownies got the little devil
NwcFenrir gets the werewolf.
NwcFixMyShoes gets the elves.
NwcTheLast gets the unicorn.
NwcRa wins phoenix.
NwcValkyries beat the demon monk.
NwcGrendel gets the beast.
NwcPoseidon got the sea monster.
NwcPrometheus won the "shroud _ blessing"
NwcAthena gains skills
NwcThoth upgrade level
NwcIsis studies magic.
The battle of nwcRagnarok failed.
NwcHermes infinite motion
NwcValhalla won the battle.
The greatest luck of nwcSacrificeToTheGods
NwcSphinx puzzle map is fully open.
NwcAphrodite forms white garbage.
NwcImAGod access cheat menu
NwcPan has the highest morale.
NwcCityOfTroy builds all the buildings.
Old jack
Just press the TAB key in the game and enter the following password (note the case):
NwcAmbrosia gets the materials for free.
Automatic game
NwcAres won the battle.
NwcAchilles was defeated.
NwcHephaestus gets "chain mail the Elf"
NwcEtTuBrute got the dagger of despair.
NwcExcalibur obtains "negative loop"
NwcNibelungenlied won the "sword of god"
NwcTristram won the crusade.
NwcLancelot got the warrior.
Michael got the angel.
NwcSevenLittleGuys gets dwarfs.
NwcMerlin gets monks.
NwcCronus won the giant
NwcBlahBlah gets vampires.
NwcHades got the devil
NwcUnderTheBridge wins "troll"
NwcKingMinos got the minotaur.
NwcXanthus will have nightmares.
NwcFafnir gets the black dragon.
NwcDoYouSmellBrownies got the little devil
NwcFenrir gets the werewolf.
NwcFixMyShoes gets the elves.
NwcTheLast gets the unicorn.
NwcRa wins phoenix.
NwcValkyries beat the demon monk.
NwcGrendel gets the beast.
NwcPoseidon got the sea monster.
NwcPrometheus won the "shroud _ blessing"
NwcAthena gains skills
NwcThoth upgrade level
NwcIsis studies magic.
The battle of nwcRagnarok failed.
NwcHermes infinite motion
NwcValhalla won the battle.
The greatest luck of nwcSacrificeToTheGods
NwcSphinx puzzle map is fully open.
NwcAphrodite forms white garbage.
NwcImAGod access cheat menu
NwcPan has the highest morale.
NwcCityOfTroy builds all the buildings.
Old jack