After the emperor, harem and ministers were captured by the Jin people, the Jin people did not give preferential treatment to these prominent people and did not treat them with their use value? Forgive? . On the contrary, it is precisely because of their noble status that Jin talents insult them as much as possible and seek pleasure from them.
The reason for this uncivilized situation is that the education level of Jin people at that time was very low. Although the cultural development of the Song Dynasty in the Central Plains was very advanced, the Jin people did not have a spiritual and cultural inheritance at that time. The so-called founding of the people's Republic of China is just a group of bandits who burn, kill and rob, and their power is too strong. It is this ignorance that created the shame of Jingkang in Song Dynasty.
After the Queen Mother Wei was captured by the Jin people, because of her noble status, the Jin people made her do menial work to insult her, and was responsible for washing and cooking for the army. She became a slave of Zong Xian, and her status was inferior to that of a slave. It was during this period that she became a slave of Hong Yanzong Xian and gave birth to a son. Later, after the Song Dynasty redeemed the Queen Wei, he didn't want this son. Although Queen Wei suffered a lot from the Jin people, she could not forget her own flesh and blood, so she was always friendly to the Jin people and was afraid that her son was suffering.