0 1 Jiuse deer used to live carefree in the mountains. He was kind-hearted and tried to save a drowning man from the river. The man thanked Jiuse deer for its kindness and vowed not to reveal its residence, otherwise he would get oral ulcers and pus. When the drowning man returned to the city, he saw a list of imperial envoys posted on the wall, saying that whoever could catch the nine-color deer would be rewarded.
It turned out that the queen dreamed of the nine-color deer, and when she woke up, she wanted to make clothes with its beautiful fur. The king had no choice but to publish the list and look for the trail of Jiuse deer. The man immediately showed the imperial order and found the nine-color deer with the king and the army. After learning what happened, Jiuse deer angrily denounced the shameless and ungrateful man who fell into the water, and persuaded the king to show mercy.
Finally, the king was persuaded by Jiuse Deer, withdrew his troops and returned to the palace, and ordered that no one should disturb Jiuse Deer's life. The oath made by the drowning man was truly fulfilled and he was punished as he deserved.
The story of nine-color deer comes from Buddhist scriptures. It turned out that the five-color deer king led the herd. In order to stop the king from hunting deer, it was willing to devote itself to becoming the king's food, and finally moved the king and saved the deer. In fact, there are many similar stories in Buddhist scriptures, such as "giving my life to feed the tiger" and "cutting meat to save pigeons" and so on. It's all about people with noble virtues who pity all beings and even sacrifice their bodies to save the lives of animals.
Abstract: Buddhist stories are the main source of Dunhuang murals, among which Tian Fei is the most widely known. Tian Fei is a fairy flying in the sky. Although its prototype is a Buddhist god who exudes fragrance and is in charge of music and dance, it has gradually evolved into an artistic image with China characteristics after being spread to China and combined with the flying immortals in Taoism.
In fact, the early Tian Fei was not very beautiful, with big mouth and big ears, short body and full of foreign flavor. In the Tang Dynasty, Tian Fei's image gradually became a well-known beauty image. In murals, Tian Fei usually walks around the Buddha statue, stepping on auspicious clouds and holding flowers in his hand. Everyone has a beautiful face and figure, and his skirt and dancing belt are fluttering in the wind. Now, flying has become an important symbol of Dunhuang and Dunhuang art.