If there was a pawnshop No.8 in the world, what would you pawn?
In fact, there is no pawnshop No.8 in the world, and there is no if. Those are just assumptions. People deceive themselves because they are not satisfied with their present life. It is because I am not satisfied with the status quo that I want to find another way of life to get unprecedented excitement. Those are empty people's excuses for their emptiness. Just imagine, if pawnshop No.8 really exists, the world will be in a mess, and some people will even fall into a state of being lonely and asking for more happiness, that is, people will seek the real world today. So everything should start from reality to find their own goals and enrich their lives, then the legend of Pawnshop No.8 will definitely disappear in the world, because people don't need another way of life to break their satisfied real life.