I. Morality
Literati wear jade articles to prove that they are a gentleman worthy of trust and respect. It can also be said that a gentleman and jade can draw an equal sign, a gentleman is jade, and jade is a gentleman. Gentleman and jade are always together, inseparable. Jade is the carrier of virtue and the embodiment of a gentleman, so a gentleman takes jade as virtue.
In fact, this social intellectual group has found jade as its symbolic material in the first few years of Confucius' life, so as to flaunt itself as a gentleman with noble character and elegant manners. Therefore, Confucius said that "a gentleman was better than jade in the past" (see Book of Rites? 6? Bridal gift "). Therefore, a gentleman must wear jade to regulate his words and deeds, not to overstep the rules, to be strict with himself, to be lenient with others and to serve others with virtue.
Confucianism, which occupies a prominent position in China's traditional culture, compares the contents of benevolence, wisdom, righteousness, propriety, music, loyalty, faith, heaven, earth, morality and Taoism with the natural physical attributes of jade, thus producing the theory that jade has five virtues, nine virtues and eleven virtues.
Second, good deeds.
The ancients used jade to represent their noble morality, and noble people would do good deeds and shield evil thoughts. Coupled with the saying that people keep jade for three years and jade keeps people for a lifetime, people who wear jade will be kind and touching, and they will be kind and generous in their lives.
For the cause, people who wear jade, because jade is in their body, will do good deeds, do good deeds and get good money.
Third, spirituality.
Jade is the product of nature and the essence of heaven and earth. It was formed after hundreds of millions of years of accumulation.
Because Dai Yu pays attention to eyes, the wearer and jade form a psychological relationship. Long-term wear can make money into treasure, ward off evil spirits and avoid disasters.
Fourth, aesthetic feeling.
Jade is silent, not in a hurry; Gentle, casual and indifferent; It's tepid and comfortable. The surface is moist and crystal clear, looks subtle and restrained, as tight as the spring breeze, and the internal quality is firm and calm, which can be broken. Jade, moist and shiny, clean and full of connotation, implicit external beauty, can't be overstated by the extraordinary metaphor. Don't think that it can only carry tradition, in fact, its sense of fashion has been properly reflected since ancient times. Although jade is not dazzling and unassuming, it is very suitable with any clothes, which is very intriguing. This is not available in other jewelry. In addition, jade is rich in jade quality and various touching jade colors. Wear it and you will be "radiant"!
Verb (short for verb) culture
Jade is an important part of China traditional culture. Jade culture with jade as the center carrier not only deeply influenced the ideas of ancient people in China, but also became an indispensable part of China culture. After thousands of years of development, culture has penetrated into the traditional genes of China people.
As an important carrier and embodiment of China traditional culture, jade has always been the first choice for people who love traditional culture. Its historical accumulation, its mystery, its simplicity, its flashiness, both the style of Hanlin and the quality of a gentleman's benevolence.