Are all the pearls in East China Jewelry City in Zhuji, Zhejiang real?
Pearls must be real. We grew up in pearls, and everything we saw was packed in snakeskin bags. There is no need for the shopkeeper to find a fake pearl of 120 yuan and sell it to you. Besides, 120 pearls are inferior, and 120 pearls are not top grade. Don't worry, as for grinding, it won't be fake. The pearls of Huxia Lake were bought by others. As for this powder, to be honest, I don't know how to use it. First, there is no sorting. Second, harmful substances have not been removed. Eating it is absolutely impossible. Making masks is still a bit scary. We grew up wearing pearl necklaces to earn pocket money. Some girls will beat pearls at home to make money, and the remaining powder will accumulate into a lot after a long time, but they never use it. Sisters all say that this one with harmful substances needs to be purified and used, so they all use it. As for you, just buy pearl powder and go directly to those long-lived birds, or Ruan's pearls, and pearl powder from several big companies. Just don't buy some miscellaneous brands. The pearl powder of large enterprises must be good, and people rely on word of mouth. It's hard to say those miscellaneous brands, but even if they are fake, they are clam shell powder, that is, pearl oyster powder. Landlord, you might as well buy the refined pearl powder 120 yuan directly, which is absolutely authentic. I'm too smart. Hey, I am a native of East China Jewelry City and grew up playing with pearls.