How much is a set of Kaiyuan Bao Tong ancient coins worth?
When you say a set, you should mean Huichang Kaiyuan. It was cast in Huichang, Tang Wuzong in five years. There are 23 languages behind it, all in the same place except the word "Chang". There are Chang, Jing, Luo, Yi, Jing, Xiang, Lan, Yue, Xuan, Hong, Tan, Yan, Run, Hubei, Ping, Xing, Liang, Guang, Zi, Fu, Gui, Dan and Yong. Its back words are mostly up and down, relatively few. The most expensive thing is to come back forever, more than 4000 yuan; The average price of Dan, Fu and Gui ranged from 100 to 1000. Its version is more complicated, and the price is different according to the position of the text behind it.