BOSS: gigalith 1 (north of the Baird checkpoint); Gigalith 2 (south of Tafia Heights); Gigalith No.3 (south of Meizhu Platform); Gigalith 4 (Mount Napolu); Mordrajik 1 (Lumalin Dune); Moldrajik 2 (North of the Dragon's Exile); Mordrajik 3 (from the remains of the execution ground); Modra Jike 4 (Southern Oasis); DLC King Rajik (trial of manipulating the beast); Sinox (De Gu Duo Suspension Bridge)
Treasure chest: * * 8 1 normal mode, ***83 master mode, ***9 beast Wa Naples.
Trial Temple: Discontinuous parabola (Kimazisi Temple); Blessing of Tokayou (Tokayou Temple); Power transmission (Hawakaye Temple); Rachel Uro's blessing (Rachel Uro Temple); 5 iron block (Guguzisai Temple); Su Mi's blessing (Su Mi Temple); Josie o's blessing (Josie o's temple); The power of electricity (the Temple of Knoy); The passage of electricity (Dakota Temple); Blessing of Dilama (Temple of Dilama); The choice between dynamic and static (Jinuoyao Temple); The initial stage of the test of strength (Temple of Da Casso); Blessing of Sma Sama (Sma Sama Temple); Two ways to use DLC (Tatakama Himili Temple); DLC Select Size (Kobetawa Temple)
Important place names: the fountain of the great elves; Rough fossils; The remains of the execution ground; Sand Walrus Rally Registry; Grudd Town; East Grudd remains; Ruins of South Lomé Castle; The beast tile Naples; Tower of the wilderness; Caracalla market; Northern igloo; De Gu Duo suspension bridge; Grudd Canyon entrance; Grudd desert entrance; Grudd Canyon Hotel
Acceptable task: Vanapoli, a thunder beast (Luju, a small town in Grudd); Infiltrate! A town forbidden to men (Benjamin, a town in Grudd); Ex poems by Yingjie Urpoza (East Grudd); The invincible queen (Pavel Yu, the registration office of the sand walrus rally); Snow Mountain Log (Morgiana Mountain Log); Disappearing sandstorm? (Noble, caracalla Fair); The Seven Heroes (Luoting, a small town in Grudd); Desert trial (site of South Lomé Castle); A swordsman who can't talk (La Yina, a small town in Grudd); Berry (Naboru Mountain Bakat); Looking for nectar and nectar ... (Packert, East Grudd); Xiayao (Qinema in caracalla market); I want to buy this horse! (Zki, Grudd Canyon); Come on, mushroom, come on, come on! (Pillai, Grudd Canyon Station); The disappearance of Grudd Canyon (Gemana, Grudd Canyon Station); Forgotten Sword (Bertain Sa, Grudd Town); Do you like precious stones? Aisha, a small town in Grudd; Secrets in secret clubs (Igleta, a small town in Grudd); Who is the prisoner? ! (Tickell Town, Grudd); The eighth hero (Bethanza town, Grudd); The liver of Moldrajik (Melena, a small town in Grudd); Looking for Baltar Tower (Langjie, a small town in Grudd); Grudd baolei helmet! (Lu Ju, Grudd Town)
Guardian of Walking: * * * * 4
Collectible armor and important items: amber earrings (purchased by Grudd Town Jewelry Store); Ruby headdress (purchased or finished by Grudd town jewelry store) Do you like gems? After the mission, NPC will let you choose one); Sapphire headdress (purchased or finished by Grudd town jewelry store) Do you like gems? After the mission, NPC will let you choose one); Hot sand protection (purchased by Grudd Town Secret Club); Resha shoulder pads (purchased by Grudd Town Secret Club); Hot sand pants (purchased by Grudd Town Secret Club); Ladies' masks (NPC on the roof of caracalla market, also available in Grudd town); Women's wear (NPC on the roof of caracalla market, also in Grudd town); Women's pants (NPC on the roof of caracalla market, also in Grudd town); Topaz earrings (Grudd town jewelry store to buy, or finish, do you like gems? After the mission, NPC will let you choose one); Opal earrings (purchased by Grudd Town Jewelry Store); Thunder helmet (completely stingy treasure thunder helmet! After the mission, Lu Ju gave it); Barbarian costumes (in the temple treasure chest after completing the desert trial maze); Luminous mask (purchased by Grudd town secret meeting); Luminous tights (purchased by Grudd town secret club); Luminous tights (purchased by Grudd town secret club); Sand boots (given by Bertensa after completing the eighth heroic mission); Snow boots (given by Bertanza after completing the task of forgetting the sword); Anger of Yingjie Urpoza (obtained after liberating Vanapoli the Beast)