In the early morning, the earth is still asleep, and only the crow of the rooster will wake people up. After washing and grooming, I walked in the garden of the yard, which was very leisurely. The air is particularly fresh after the rain, as if all the dust had been washed away. A few rays of sunshine are refreshing and warm. The hut made of blue bricks looms in the faint fog, and a Shi Zhuan trail sets off green leafy vegetables and leaves with dewdrops. Grandparents are busy hanging clothes in the yard, parents are sorting clothes, and the dogs they bring are running around and playing hide-and-seek with the shadows, having fun. My hometown Pingyao is far away from the noise of the city. I love her as quiet as heaven.
In the afternoon, I walked into the ancient city of Pingyao. Looking up at the tall ancient city wall, it seems to have crossed back to 2700 years ago. A winding alley with small shops left over from the Ming and Qing Dynasties on both sides. There are many markets, banks, escort agencies, pawn shops and temples. A woman wearing beads, red cloth shoes and snickering at the corners of her mouth; Men with long hair, robes and tea all gather here to talk about world affairs. At Rishengchang Bank, foreigners with long noses and beards wearing precious jewels are laughing loudly. Walking into a house at random, the patchwork yard, beautiful brick carvings, pots of fresh flowers and plants, exquisite window grilles, and the surprise and shyness of the little girl playing in the yard when she met strangers made me very sad. My hometown, Pingyao, has a rich history, and I love her like a jasper.
At night, go back to the yard. The sunset glow turned everything red. Grandparents set tables and chairs in the yard and served bowls of millet gruel. A few plates of fresh and delicious side dishes, a few glistening little flower rolls and a few thin slices of crystal-clear bacon greatly increased people's appetite. After a few mouthfuls of warm porridge, the fatigue of the day disappeared. After dinner, the family sat on a small bench in the yard, talking and laughing. Soon, it will be all dark. In the dark starry night sky, cicadas sing in the grass from time to time. A few wisps of evening breeze blew, bringing some coolness to the sultry summer. The old people fanned the big cattail leaf fan, and the children eagerly listened to the ghost stories told by the adults and looked warily at the dark yard behind them from time to time. Pingyao, my hometown, lacks people with ulterior motives. I like the simplicity of her blue dress.
Pingyao, my hometown, will always love you.