This matter has to start with the shame of Jingkang. Nomads from the south to attack the bian city, captured Qin Hui two cases, as well as some of their harem royal family, ladies-in-waiting, craftsmen, about ten thousand people. Along with some gold, silver and jewels in the palace, they were all looted and sent to the north in two ways. This is the famous shame of Jingkang. On the way, Qin Hui had to endure not only the cold weather, but also the nomads from the army.
In the state of Jin, the so-called sheep-leading ceremony is held according to the regulations, which is a surrender ceremony of the state of Jin. Both the Emperor and the Empress of Qin Hui asked to take off Hanfu and put on ethnic minority clothes, with white cloth on their heads, just like a horn. Others, whether you are a man or a woman, should show off their upper body and look sparkling from a distance, just like lambs to be slaughtered.
Finally, Emperor Qin Hui went to the temples of the State of Jin to bow down. After these ceremonies, the Emperor of the State of Jin ordered people to kill two sheep. Emperor Qin Hui could only kneel before the sheep were slaughtered and accept the gift of Emperor Xu Jin. To put it bluntly, he listened to their opinions. Among them, the Emperor Qinzong suffered humiliation and committed suicide. Song Huizong couldn't stand the torture after being imprisoned for nine years, and finally died.