The answer can be found in Duke Zhou,
Heaven, Earth, Sun and Moon
At the beginning of Xu, there were no clouds and good news. When the clouds open, they work at sunrise, disperse at sunset, and have children and get pregnant. Yue Bai stars burn incense, the sky is high and the clouds are light, and the body is sick. Apart from the weather, the rain dispersed and the troubles were solved. This woman gave birth to her son in the morning. Tianmen is red, with a big rise. In Lapras, God is expensive, and so are his wife and children. Take the throne, fly to the sky, be rich and prosperous, and go to the house. Everything that heaven and earth want is hazy. Pregnant women want to have a formal position. Their wives have children. They hold the sun and the moon. Hou Wang swallowed the sun and the moon and gave birth to your son. They worship the sun and the moon. Prosperity. Guangxu walked into the house. Your son was born in the arms of the stars. Holding the stars, wealth and splendor, surveying the sky, stars, Yun Qi officials, extending in all directions, wealth and floating clouds, traveling, traveling, snowflakes fall on the body in time. Every time it rains, food and thunder are successful, when the earthquake strikes, the Lord gets rich, thunder strikes, people die, the wind blows people's clothes, and suddenly the wind blows the main disease. State-owned orders, such as yelling at the Lord, believe in the red rainbow, and when they see the auspicious black rainbow, everything is full of fear and joy. When it is rainy and gloomy, the main evil is that dark clouds reach the ground, and the weather is sick, frosty and snowy, and the main evil is not cloudy or red. White and young, black and evil, see that the clouds have failed, the meteor has not fallen, and the sun has moved to the sun.
Geography, rocks and trees
The family was born with cypress trees and bamboo forests, and the front of the court was beaming, while the maple tree was born on the house. Baishui Lanshengyuan was the former owner of Guo Lin Tian Sun, and the owner of the bank became rich in the orchard. Mulberry owners are worried about fruit trees, and educated children are sweeping the floor and removing manure. Home wants to break the dunghill, wealth is abundant, and trees in the forest give birth to expensive children. Planting trees is prosperous, climbing trees is famous, and fame and fortune are obvious. There were no casualties and people shared flowers. The owner scattered dead trees and flowers, did not fold the big trees, shouldered the weight of the trees, went home to make a fortune, liked to cut down big trees, moved to other places to make a fortune, moved to official positions, cracked the main diseases, leveled the fields, and competed with them. The main disease is in the stone, the main evil is in the dark, and the main evil is transported to the rich stone. Rock safety is guaranteed, rock climbing is worry-free, and a small stone will give birth to your son. Evil deeds depend on the mountain, spring and summer are auspicious days, climbing slopes and thinking about illness. In addition to living in the mountain, there are happy events, walking in the mountain, getting rich, carrying things up the mountain, getting pregnant, having plenty of food and clothing, and reviving children and grandchildren in Guizi Mountain.
Body, clothes, footwear
The man in white is going to comb his hair, wash his face and worship his elders. Dajichang is sweaty and fierce. All his diseases are caused by pests and diseases. A sick person is tied with a rope, and his body is long-lived. He has a chubby figure and a fierce figure. Facing officials, he was naked, while his Italian woman had long hair, his head was white, and his life span was long. His head is arguing, his bald head is bald, his hair is falling off, and his face is sour. His hair is fierce, and his children are worried about his washing hands and feet. Except looking in the mirror, everything bright and dark is fierce and broken. Looking in the mirror, people's hands and feet are covered with pus and blood, and people's bodies are full of urine and feet. People are full of sinister people, full of lawsuits, and they are cut and shaved. The fierce eyebrows in the family are in the same position as others, the parents are fierce, and the children are girls. Sun Xing's document was printed with a reputation. The main wife and concubine wear splendid clothes, and the children and grandchildren are proud. Washing clothes is well covered with hemp fiber, and new clothes are replaced by new ones. Clothes are the main cause of trouble. Clothes and mourning are auspicious, and clothes are self-evident. Pepsi wears yellow clothes to wash clothes, and everyone wears white clothes. Some people invite people to wear Tsing Yi gods to help others wear purple, which is the main reason for their feelings and disadvantages. Everyone wears white. This is the chief official. Everyone wears red and auspicious clothes, and the wife wears her husband's clothes and gives birth to a son. It doesn't matter if a woman wears a shirt. * * The wife loses her clothes, but she can't escape.
A rich man who wants to be covered by himself wears his own shoes, and his wife has her own boots and shoes. The handmaiden owner lost his shoes, and the handmaiden owner ran away and took off his boots. The master has fierce shoes, and the children and grandchildren are sick. She is wearing Ma Xie Pepsi-Cola and the newly awarded official title, the shoes your son begged, and the man has taken off his shoes and gone out to see the new national flag. Luck is cut off by blood and wine is cultivated. The knife and axe stabbed the man. The knife and axe hurt himself. The lucky man was taken away by the knife and fell into the water. Sharpening a knife does not mistake a woodcutter, and all swords are fierce. The lucky woman at the bedside carries a knife, and the lucky woman draws a sword. Scissors have children, scissors divide the money. Scissors cut goods, scissors fold shares, and wives are fierce. Geely saw that the troops were scattered, the bells and drums were loud, and people were far away.
Buddhism, ghosts and houses
Buddhists, Bodhisattvas, and Master Lucky ascended the throne in spite of illness, and the old gentleman really ascended the throne. People who paint immortals and Buddhists worship immortals and Buddhists and their wives have children. Buddhists and monks taught them to recite the scriptures, Taoist priests and women crowned them with words, and monks and nuns were beaten by ghosts and gods when they read the scriptures. It's unlucky to go to church, the deity and Buddha are not fierce, and the disciple and the goddess know each other. Your son worships Buddha and has a lot of money. Seeing the old gentleman's words and immortal points, seeing the old gentleman saying that Chen Zhongchen came to see the princes and ministers. Don't talk fiercely with sages. Introduction to the auspicious task: white clothes call people to death and worship their elders. Textual research on the ancestors of Dafuqing said that the deceased's long-lived man was calling for fierce desire * * * You don't need to talk to the wicked, you were killed. Gifford hid his fierce wings and flew away to get rid of his illness. He went to deal with people. The Lord is sick and poor. Soldiers live in the main house, accompanied by evil deeds. All nobles are lucky. Go to church, get rich and drink from high-rise buildings to home, and high-rise buildings are safe. Being dragged into town. Entering the city and being controlled by officials shows the prosperity of the city. This city is full of wealth, and this city is full of murder. Going out to the house, the owner has money to go out of the garden, and the house is destroyed. There is a coffin in the hall, and there is a coffin in the hall. The main house is fierce. The house is long and new. The main house moved to another house. The wife of the house moved to the house, and the wife of the house moved to the house. The house was swept away because of the poor official position of the owner. People come to shops to sell houses. The house was lost and nobody lived in it. There is darkness under the house, and the owner is in danger. Women fight for the owner of the house, Ji Wuliang, and suddenly analyze the death of the owner, the death of his wife, the official position of the man under the wall, and the changes in the world. Soldiers enter the house, the owner dies, the central tile falls, women fight for the house, men believe in the house, grass is born in the house, and pine and cypress are born in the empty house. Tian She happily entered the temple. His son's temple was born in the temple, and the patient's illness was moved to the warehouse. The house was replaced with a new one, and the door was broken. What's to be afraid of? The city gate was wide open and the mouth of Miyagi was blocked. The door is broken, the door is broken. When a slave enters the door, no one repairs it. Auspicious stone is the grass in front of the door and a thorn in the history of the door. The pits and ditches in front of the door cannot be burned. The funeral home is open, and the door is open. You can see the owner's business through the well, and the water is far away. Well damage, well disease, haunted house in the well, self-determined disease, clear water, muddy water, negative mud, main wealth, declining well, fish in the well, fish in the well, reputation, reputation, cooking and paying back money.
There are two stoves in the kitchen, so it is impossible to build a kitchen. The official chef of Dajili made a fortune, his wife and concubine died, and the owner made a windfall to go to the toilet. When urinating, the toilet overflows and the stool overflows. In the stool file, the owner pays back the money.
Gold and silver, furniture, humanities
Gold and silver jewelry is rich, gold and silver beads are auspicious, gold and silver cups and saucers are precious, gold and silver are pawned, jade accumulates like a mountain, gold owners are rich, bronze pawns are full of pearls, and jade bowls and utensils are auspicious. The owner of the ironware is rich, the owner of the bronze ware is rich, and the inlaid instruments are sick. All the money is good luck in spring and summer, and good in autumn and winter. The owner has the right to give silk and brocade to the nobles. People give great prosperity to silks, people are fierce in silks, and people come to work with others in linen. Finding silks is business, mainly to set up a new bed account. People come to bed, their wives die, and the bed account changes to Kyrgyzstan. There are ants on the bed, the wife is unlucky to die, the curtain is broken, the wife is sick, her feet are changed, and the domestic slave goes to bed fiercely. The blood is fierce, the wife and concubine are raped, the bed is changed, and the curtain is destroyed. The wife of the new curtain is a traitor. The duke's wife is Pu, who sits in the official position. The owner of the handkerchief has a tongue. Handkerchiefs are tied with sick fans, and the tripod master is lucky. The jade owner asked someone to help the copper and iron break the funeral. The owner of the magnetic bowl has a bad thing. The owner of the wine and vegetables went into the mouth of the plate owner, into the ribs of the spoon owner's wife and concubines' children. The owner of the slave owner's warehouse in Yitianfu. Daji basin has a bottom, the main wealth is scattered, the brazier urn is rich, the washbasin is beautiful, the concubine is big and small, and the basin is reunited and won. The bucket is full of water, but there is no water. The big killer sent the bucket home, and the table frame was undecided. The millstone moves to Daji hammer drill, and the hammer moves. Someone helped the owner to be driven away, and the iron was full of fire. Good things become smoking cages, and the owner and the owner are sovereign. The rope owner lives long and the rope breaks. The gold digger who hates democracy and the emperor's official excrement and urine defiles the wealth of the body. The stool is full of landlord's wealth and wealth, and the toilet is full of bad luck. The owner's wealth lying on the house can't be lost in the mud, and the owner can't afford to lose money and mud clothes. The master gave birth to a fierce man and a fierce woman, bathed in bed, bathed in dust, got sick, washed his hair and moved to the hospital. In addition to being insulted, husband and wife will drive each other away, and they will be separated from each other. They will also lose money to hold the Lord and have a happy event with the woman, and they will sit down with her and hold her husband's money. This woman and her wife are very happy. Both husband and wife are combing their hair. Husband and wife worship the Lord and hand over. The man lost money, the wife wore a golden dress and gave birth to your son, and the wife was pregnant. Seeing the yin of women, the tongue of women is naked, and the naked life of men is within reach. Brothers talk about newborn men and women.
Documents, fields, boats, vehicles, roads and bridges/swordsmen
All kinds of scriptures are rich and colorful, and those who swallow five-color paper are rich. There are books on several pages, from books to poems. Someone teaches well and writes well. Some people are smart when they have money to see readers. A student's life is your child's calendar. He who writes a letter in the middle reaches of the Yellow River has a pen and inkstone, and he who believes in ink has a long story. Those who send pens to others can enter Amnesty International's house. The sick man received paper money, moved the public seat, moved the official position, and printed the duke's property. The reputation of the person who printed the letter was delayed, and the name of the player who gave birth to your son was changed. When soldiers and horses enter the city, they attract thieves to take it. Death accompanies the Lord, happy events, strokes, early accidents, unsuccessful strokes, main diseases, defeats, main evils, archers, main journeys, pedestrians, main blessings, bowstrings, guards, the help of villains, crossbows, and scattered crossbows of brothers.
Ge Yue is a senior official who fights from Guanglu to Jiajian.
Pastoral grain farming
Grass owners in the fields get rich in farmland. The owner of Tian He travels to see farmers and teaches people to farm, so that the owner of Tian He can buy a lot of people and the owner of Tian He will jump to his job. The owner of dilapidated fields in Geely, Zhong Da will reap the safety of Tian He's home.
Harvesting rape can protect the capital of the house. It is appropriate to see the lines in the right place. It's good to see the owner of grain and rice make a fortune. The owner of polished rice has a rich fortune. The grain is growing well. The ears of grain are neat and beautiful. Big Geely rice grains are piled up and scattered. The first wife is selfish. The leaves of soybean seedlings are fierce. The grain will suddenly lose its owner's ambition. Millet and wheat will live long and be rich. The official business of Qiao Mai's bread will be terrible Bud. Even a boat can fly. Officials crossing the river by boat have the wealth of water owners: boat, sun and moon, wealth, wealth, tourists, people, ship owners, sails, sails, lucky boats, helmsman, stability, boat, bridge, Universiade, patient's boat, father's boat help, official position, fierce fire of ship owners, boat owners' boats, boat owners' lack of money, boats broken by fancy cars, couples. The rich people in the tunnel have access, the mud thorns can't collapse, the owners lose money, and the bridge builders know everything. The owner of the bridge has an official position, and the bridge is broken. The master has an official position and the wife is pregnant. On the bridge, he called for litigation. The bridge builder has a new agreement. The owner of the broken bridge has a tongue. People are fierce after breaking the bridge. Husband and wife enter the market to buy real estate. There is no one in the city. The host lives a long life and drinks with others. Rich people should eat and drink, cry, get drunk, get drunk, feast and get drunk. Please eat crispy cheese. People like to suck their milk and respect their relatives. People who eat honey and drink water are lucky. Those who eat the dead are lucky. People who eat mutton are lucky in class. People who eat dog meat are arguing about eating pork. People who eat pork are sick. People who eat raw meat are fierce and familiar. The goose eater was lucky and died. People who eat chickens and ducks are lucky to get steamed bread. Eating rotten melons, not enough cakes and rice, melon seeds, persimmons and oranges, persimmons and peaches, dates, mulberries and millet, pears, tomatoes, wives, onions and leeks, garlic and Caicai are the main diseases.
The murdered man killed him with a knife, killed him with wealth, killed him with a knife, bled his clothes, earned money with a knife, and killed him with a knife. Main wine, food, bayonet, blood, blood, blood, knife and axe, self-injury, knife cutting, self-loss, broken head. The Lord likes to be kicked by the Lord, his wife and concubine are beaten, and the Lord is beaten. The strong woman was beaten, and the main illness was beaten by her brother. Lucky for me, I saw the main murderer. Being stabbed, Dajichang kowtows, Pepsi Ji scolds each other, Ji Zhu is humiliated, Ji Zhu is rich, and pigs and dogs are not as good as them. Great Geely kills sheep, beats sheep, and kills tigers and leopards if they are sick. Mainly reprinted, killing Lu Niu, he has great wealth, killing cattle, eating meat, making money, killing donkeys, mules and horses, eating and drinking, and killing turtles.
Fire and water, thieves, joy, disease and death, six animals.
The water walker is the master of Daji, and the water stands on the water. The water is full of fierce things. The newly married fire and water are the masters of Daji, and they are free from water. Drinking water is inexhaustible, making a fortune. Even water has a lawsuit. The river clarifies that auspicious families have water and children die. The river is full of sand and gravel. The article burns the sun and the moon, and some people help to burn the river, and the river lives long. Shan Ye's great sages burn fire from the master to the fire, the master makes a fortune from the ground to the fire to the big fire, the national security is in the fire, the nobles help the fire, the smoke is black, the main disease is the torch, and the fire in the well is the main disease to the house. The fire in the kitchen is a major emergency. Listen to the fire, and the house will burn the people. Candles are the first to get rich, and then unlucky. Candles make a fortune first, and evil people are attracted by diseases, so that thieves can't enter the market and thieves can't enter the house. The thief walked with the thief and shouted and cheered to celebrate the official Lu Zhiyuan's mourning. People came to cry. The main murderer was crying in bed. The principal offender was overjoyed to see the singer's breath at home. Pipa people in their arms help others, flutes have a reputation, and people make decisions. The singer changed his flute and drum during his funeral in blowing sheng. Others celebrate fun and litigation. A tearful person with hazy eyes goes to court. The patient lay down to help the official. People who are seriously ill have a bad thing. Sick people have happy patients, singing the Lord and the murderer. The patient cried and laughed. In addition to illness, patients will also die when loading cars. Dead people cry. The dead will stand up. The dead will be resurrected. The dead have faith in seeing people die. The deceased in ji zi had a happy event. Seeing the dead first is a blessing. Ask the grave owner who hangs the grave. The owner is worried about the grave. There is a cloud on the grave. The door of the grave was open. The grave is bright and dark. The grave is full of trees. The grave is full of flowers. The coffin was carried into the house until the deceased was carried out. The guests outside the coffin arrived at the coffin and the owner of the deceased got the money. When he opened the coffin, he saw the dead, he saw the land and water, and he got a lot of money. If you travel without a master, the prison will collapse. If he sits in prison, he will be forgiven. Thieves will go to prison, and prisons will stink. In addition to thieves, but also in addition to illness, flail sold to flail, tongue scattered. The owner's rope will be tied, from getting sick to being beaten by officials, the main filial piety is self-defeating, ashamed and fearful. The main litigants scattered into the official word. The main litigant Daji invited people to join the official position, and the wine and food clerk introduced the main owner Daji nobles to join the official position. Make it clear that the staff is responsible for the main business, and the dragon snake introduces the main business. Longxing nobles help women see the dragon born, your son, the dragon snake killer, the serpent, the serpent, the dumpling master makes a fortune, your son is born, and many snakes around you give birth to your son. There are many things in the dark. This snake is red and black, and this snake is yellow and white. Phoenix has something official. A noble person helped Phoenix to give her mother's illness to the peacock. There is small tongue in the sky. Crane, crane in your arms, crane in your arms. Crane drives instead of crane, peacock flies. There are articles about the parrot woman's main tongue and Yuanyang San. There are also fierce people driving the crane into the house. Women like to sing with swallows and birds in the air, their wives die, birds are in their arms, and Geely catches birds, believing that swallows visit far away, and birds fight with birds. There are also official affairs, such as crowing, drinking, eating, eating, traveling with geese and ducks, adding a good concubine, singing to snakes, introducing chicken washing officials, singing tongues and holding eggs. There is a big chicken in the owner's tree. Unicorns are famous for making tigers roar all over the world, roaring out the position of lords, roaring out lions, and roaring out fame. Camels and leopards reprint it. The subject of Xiong Long gives birth to your offspring. Rabbits don't eat expensive officials. The deer is at home. A ghost in the road is in the garden. Worried about the cat, Rath's money, the mouse's guide and the mouse biting clothes are what the mouse gets. The mouse did a good deed and left, dreaming that the mouse stole the food and the owner paid back the money.
The mountain monkey is in charge of the lawsuit, the white monkey is in charge of the deer position, the cow is in charge, the rich cow is in the way, and the buffalo owner is rich. They eat cows on the hillside, and the great fortune leads them to the mountain, and the rich cows touch people. Everything failed. Good things happen to the owner of the buffalo, and the cow is born. They just want to ride cows into town. There is joy in bringing cattle and sheep home, and there is joy in horse dancing. A horse bitten by a horse has the status of riding a donkey or mule. Kill pigs. Kill pigs. Pigs will die. Pigs and dolphins will become officials. Pigs and sheep itch. Riding a sheep in the street will earn the owner's money. Dogs can bark. Ghosts ask for food. Dogs can bark. The master will lose his money. Dogs can play with dogs and pay them back.
Turtles enter the well, houses are rich, and turtles and snakes are the same. When they see turtles, women are expensive. They were in mourning when they caught the turtle. When they see turtles, they will have money. Fish are flying on the water. In Pepsi's well, there are fish fishing in the net. Great Geely catches fish, and the staple food is all Geely. Fishing in the great Geely forest is not a group of fish swimming, and the carp wife is pregnant. Big fish is pregnant. This big fish is famous. The little fish has a baby, and the big Geely fish is dried in the water. The loss of shrimp becoming the owner of fish