1, look at the color of Yuhuan; The color of Yuhuan is the most important. Whether it is green or purple, its color requirement cannot be dark. The color of the jade ring should be even, and you can't spend it, otherwise it will affect the beauty of the ring.
First of all, when you buy a ring, look at the color of the ring. The colors must be bright and rich and evenly distributed. The most important thing is to be moist and transparent. Secondly, be sure to observe this ring carefully before buying.
3. Look at the thickness. When buying a jade ring, you should not only confirm the size of the egg noodles, but also pay attention to the thickness of the egg noodles. Because the thickness of egg noodles determines its value to a certain extent. Generally speaking, the higher the thickness, the higher the value. Look at the shape
How to Choose Jade Ring Faces
1, look at the cracked Yuhuan surface. Compared with other products, it is normal for flowers and bracelets to appear cracks, white cotton and black spots, but they are regarded as shortcomings in the ring surface, so we must pay attention to these problems when choosing.
2. Look at the color. The color of the jade ring is the most important. Whether it is green, purple, red or yellow, the colors should be bright, not dark or color-cast. The price of the ring face is far from the same level. Moreover, the color of the ring surface should be uniform and there should be no flowers, otherwise it will greatly affect the beauty of the ring surface.
3, look at the color of the ring surface: For the ring surface, the most important thing is the color, and the color of the ring surface will directly affect its price. The most taboo of ring face is colored flowers. Even if the variety and color are good, but the color is flowery, then this material is not suitable for making a ring surface.
4. Finally, it is better to choose the one with fewer flaws. Because the ring surface is different from other jade ornaments, some defects such as black spots and white cotton can be removed by carvers, and the defects on the bead chain are relatively acceptable.
How to buy a jade ring with high cost performance
1, depending on the size of Yuhuan; The greater the material selection of the jade ring, the lower the overall transparency of the jade ring, so it is not that the larger the ring surface, the better, but that the size should be standardized and moderate, which is the best for you.
2. Several aspects that must be paid attention to when choosing a ring? First of all, when buying a ring, look at the color of the ring first. The colors must be bright and rich and evenly distributed. The most important thing is to be moist and transparent. Secondly, be sure to observe this ring carefully before buying.
3. If you are not very old, try to choose a ring with a smaller jade, because wearing jade will make people look mature. If you are young, choosing a small jade ring will look small and charming, and it will look younger if it is inlaid with silver.
4. Choose a size. When buying a jade ring, be sure to ask the store about the size of the egg noodles. Generally speaking, women can choose 6*8 or 8* 10 egg noodles, while men have bigger fingers, so the size of egg noodles is slightly larger. Look at the thickness.
5, lively personality is suitable for wearing a variety of styles, and the opponent who pursues individuality can choose a jade ring with exaggerated style and novel and unique design. Calm personality is suitable for wearing simple styles such as oval and geometric shapes. What you need to pay special attention to when buying a ring is the size of the ring. It must be important and appropriate.
6. Torus color: The more positive the color, the better the sunshine. The best torus color is King Green, which is rare. If the torus is large and full of particles, it is valuable.
How to choose jade diamond ring
1. Look at the transparency of the jade ring. For the jade ring, the transparency is very high. Crystal clear jade is a treasure, but its transparency is poor. The quality of cracked jade egg noodles with cotton is poor. Jade egg noodles have good quality, high transparency and fineness.
2, lively personality is suitable for wearing a variety of styles, and the opponent who pursues individuality can choose a jade ring with exaggerated style and novel and unique design. Calm personality is suitable for wearing simple styles such as oval and geometric shapes. What you need to pay special attention to when buying a ring is the size of the ring. It must be important and appropriate.
3. Choose according to the characteristics of fingers. Generally speaking, fingers with moderate thickness and length are suitable for wearing any style of rings.
4, egg surface ring Emerald egg surface ring is the most common and most popular style. Surrounded by several circles of broken diamonds, they complement each other and show the brilliance of jade to the greatest extent, which is amazing.
5. What is the purchasing method of jade ring? One: understand jade. If you want to buy a jade ring, if you don't know anything about jade, it's easy to be fooled by the sales staff when you go to the jewelry store.
How to choose an emerald ring
1, depending on the size of Yuhuan; The greater the material selection of the jade ring, the lower the overall transparency of the jade ring, so it is not that the larger the ring surface, the better, but that the size should be standardized and moderate, which is the best for you.
2, lively personality is suitable for wearing a variety of styles, and the opponent who pursues individuality can choose a jade ring with exaggerated style and novel and unique design. Calm personality is suitable for wearing simple styles such as oval and geometric shapes. What you need to pay special attention to when buying a ring is the size of the ring. It must be important and appropriate.
3. If you are not very old, try to choose a ring with a smaller jade, because wearing jade will make people look mature. If you are young, choosing a small jade ring will look small and charming, and it will look younger if it is inlaid with silver.