At the beginning of Yuan You, the official seal of Kuraburo issued a note, and three years later, it returned to this temple. I also ordered a teacher to establish Yi Long II. In the past five years, Chang 'e has visited the treasury affairs under his jurisdiction every month. In the first year, the journey was added. In three years, the city changed its case to Pinghuai, and the city changed its business. There are seven pharmacies in Chongning Middle School, and Tian Cheng checks them. Let's make peace by three years. In the first year of Jingkang, the internal and external litigation bureaus were ordered to abide by the Xining law, and the money and materials were returned to the left treasury, with a deposit of 150 Liang. He also asked Shang Shu, director of Taifudian, and treasurer officials to pay for it until the officials in Beijing had dispersed enough, and was invited by Shang Shu Mei. Among the 20 lawsuits, there are 5 cases: Zuo occupies the treasures of the East and the West, receives the wealth of the four parties, and waits for the state funds to be given to officers and men. The old library is divided into two parts, the north and the south. The new library was built in six years and is called the East-West Library. Xijing, Nanjing and Beijing each set up a left treasury and an inner treasury, which is very useful for nationalizing the surplus of that year. Serve Chen and join hands as the inner court, where treasures, jewels, flowers and bribes are hidden. Just wait for the Ministry of Finance and receive money, silk, utensils and clothes to prepare for the imperial edict and the gifts of the temple. Yuanfengku, which is in charge of the accumulation of various goods, is in charge of all the people who seal piles. Shenzong often resented the stubbornness of Qidan, generously restored the ambition of secluded Yan, collected money and money, and wrote a four-character poem, saying, "Losing the country in five seasons makes people angry." Art ancestors founded the country, thinking about punishing Ai. He set up the inner palace, based on recruiting talents and talents, with great-grandson as a guarantee, and dared to forget his ambition. "Every library is full of poems. Don't put it in the library, write a poem of twenty crosses and reveal it in the library respectively, saying, "Every time you are sincere, just follow your last wish and don't be a hero." "Wei family, there are Chongning Library and Daguan Library.
Cloth library, collect the proofreading cloth, distinguish its name and use it. Tea storehouse is made of famous teas such as Jiang, Zhezhang, Jinghu, Jian and Jian, which are enjoyed by all departments of Hanlin. The sundries warehouse is responsible for receiving internal and external sundries to provide support. In the grain depot, the palm was given by Lu in French, and hundreds of officials from civil and military departments and armies presented materials and gifts. The audit department is responsible for reviewing the quantity it gives and accepts to drive factories in France. Business tax, business travel to Beijing, to lose as a guide. Lock up and down the bian river, lock up and down the river, and pipe the raft. They all mentioned trading companies and held some trading goods in their hands. The upper and lower bounds are related to the trading houses, grocery stores and grocery stores in various cities. If the market goes up, the goods are not sold in the palm of your hand, and the goods are delayed, use trade to settle everything. The market is easy, and you can fly money to send coupons to pass the customs. Miscellaneous shopping services, palms and everything in the city, forbidden by the palace, provided in time where the government needs it. The grocery store collects the remaining local and foreign currencies, which are directly shipped or used at a discount. In the absence of cargo services, the palm folds and the tiger fights, and the gold and silk belong to it. Give it to the cashier, be responsible for giving it to the cashier. Get to the right place and take official money to listen to people's quality and help their priorities. The agency, Huimin Bureau, is responsible for repairing medicines and selling them to help the people. Store affairs, in charge of official residence and house shop, planning and construction. Carboniferous field, palm sales Carboniferous. The fragrant medicine storehouse is responsible for collecting external donations and importing fragrant medicines and precious stones on the market. Jian Jian summoned Taifu Temple and transferred it to the Ministry of Finance. In the first year of Shaoxing, Zhang Yi was appointed as the official of Taifu Hall, who was also in charge of printing tea, salt and banknotes, and added two more officials. In four years, Qing and Shao were reinstated. Ten years, reset the main book. In the eleventh year, a letter was sent to the library to withdraw money from Cheng Si. Reward when you meet. Each time, the grinding is reduced for two years. I found three letters for Cheng and his party. In the first year of Longxing, he was a member of the provincial master book. Next year, like the old system, he will set up a case seven, which will be responsible in order. Check the case and go to Zuocang to check the money and goods. After ZTE, only the Grain Institute, Audit Department, Zuozang East and West Warehouse, Bank of Communications Warehouse, Waiting Warehouse, Harmony Bureau and Huimin Bureau were transferred as before. Left Tibet south warehouse, bundle pile pipe to command the reform of reward warehouse. Driven by attendants, with prosecutors in charge, editing and evaluating bureaus and setting up bureaus. The second game is to select foreign medicines and sundries, which will be ready for trade.
Send it to the pile warehouse, sell the fragrant silk in the palm, and take it directly to the left Tibetan south warehouse. Place the supervisor and raise two people.
Clear one person, from the three products; Two young ladies from four product departments. In charge of goods, goods, goods and trade, in charge of Kyoto four cities, Zuoyouzang and Changping seven departments. Where the quartet tribute, official salary rank, sincere cashier.
Cheng four people, from six products. Trial is in charge of temple affairs. Those who submit things to the court on January 1 and the winter solstice must obey it. Less than six products, to the court. One person is responsible for the left and right accounts, and all the accounts of the department are temple books and accounts, which were reported to the Ministry of Finance on March 1st.
There are two people in the main book, from Qipin. Handprints, notes, missing sentences, balance measurement, printed in August at the age of 20, and then used. Two employees. △ Beijing Municipal Department
Make one person, from six products; Cheng, both of them are eight products. Deal in commodities and goods, measure objects and distinguish authenticity.
△ Left Tibet
Make three people, from seven products; Cheng five people, from eight products; There are eight supervisors. Hand over money, silk variegated. The world is endowed with tune, and the Qing dynasty and the imperial history are monitored and read. There are nine people in politics, eighteen in history, twelve in ceremony and eight in palm.
△ Right Tibet
Make two people, eight products; Cheng San, all in the ninth grade; There are four supervisors. Palm jade, jewelry, copper and iron, bone horn, tooth hair, color painting. There are five people in politics, twelve in history, seven in ceremony and ten in palm.
△ Changping system
Make one person, from seven products; Cheng Erren, from Bapin; There are five supervisors. Palm leveling, warehousing, cashier. There are four people in politics, eight in history, five in ceremony and six in palm. Celebrate three years and set up a department. When I was in Wuhou, Dongdu was also established.