Sapphire is so beautiful and colorful, where do they all come from in the world? Myanmar, Madagascar and Sri Lanka are the main sapphire producing areas in the world. At present, Madagascar sapphire and Sri Lankan sapphire are two common sapphire producing areas in the market. Is there any difference between the two?
Madagascar is a newly rising sapphire producing area in recent years. It is very beautiful cornflower blue, and its contents are very similar to Kashmir sapphire, which is often mistaken for Kashmir sapphire visually. Madagascar sapphire has another feature: usually, the crystal particles are relatively large. At present, the quality of sapphire in Madagascar is high, and it is rising very fast.
The biggest feature of Sri Lankan sapphire is its rich color and high transparency, which can be well distinguished from Madagascar sapphire. Of course, there are some mistakes. It is best to use professional instruments to detect the inclusions and trace elements in sapphire and get accurate results. In recent years, due to climate and government control, the output of sapphire in Sri Lanka has fallen sharply, the export volume has decreased, and the price has also shown an upward trend.
There are many differences in color and inclusions between Madagascar sapphire and Sri Lankan sapphire. Sapphire from these two places is the mainstream sapphire producing area in the market, and the consumer's recognition and acceptance are relatively high, and the price is also on the rise.