List of fossil adaptation elves
Moonstone: Pippi Pipsi, Jigglypuff Wigglytuff, Nidorina Nidoqueen, Nidorino Nidoking, Wei Xiang Miao Enekororo.
The stone of the sun: smelly flowers-beautiful flowers, seeds facing the sun-Sangfulan,
Ye Zhishi: smelly flower-Lady Enforcers, pocket flower-big food flower, long nose cotyledon-Shiftry, egg-Exeggutor,
Lei Zhishi: Pikachu Raichu, Ibrahimovic.
Flint: Vulpix Kyubi no Youko, Katie Dog-Wind Dog, Ibrahimovic-Hoyib,
Water stone: mosquito-repellent incense-mosquito-repellent incense swimmer, big tongue shell-thorn shell, Staryu-Starmie, Lombre-Ludicolo, Ibrahimovic-Vaporeon,
Poison Roses-Rossredo, Pokigu-Togekiss.
The Stone of Awakening: Male Kirlia —— Gallade's mother's snow child —— Snow Witch.
Dark Stone: Murkrow-Crow Head, Misdreavus-Dream Demon.