Berserker Clock * * *-32 1 is fatal, with a chance of+1926 mana lasting for 20 seconds. Black Wings are trapped in Cave 4-Atramad, 359.
Heart of ignatius-A damage spell can last 15 seconds, up to 5 times. Usage: Every 1 floor enlightens +32 1 accelerates for 20 seconds (2 minutes cooling), Twilight Fortress 3- Twilight Excellence Committee, 359.
Time Survivor -32 1 hit, with a chance+1926 mana 15 seconds, Baladin/Hellscream, 359.
Soul coffin -32 1 mastery. It takes+1926 mana for 20 seconds. Be brave 1650359.
Dark Moon Card: Volcano -32 1 Mastery, Probability +900 to 1500 Ignition Damage+1600 Intelligence 12 sec, Inscription 525 (Binding), 359.
Tranda's precious doll-321intelligence, 20% of mana consumed (up to 4200) can be released in the doll, archaeological limit (525), 359.
Angel's poetry hit -285, probability+17 10 Faren 10 second, origin hall-angel, 346.
Sculpture-Gem Viper-Intelligence 285, mana+1425 when used, lasting 20 seconds, limited jewels (475), 346.
Witch hourglass -285 intelligence, probability+17 10 acceleration 15 seconds, BlackRock Cave-Oshidis, 346.
Elegy -285 mastered, target life is less than 35%+17 10 mana 10 second, lost city towell-Siamet, 346.
Dark Tentacle of the Cave -285 mastered, probability+17 10 mana 15 seconds, heart of rock-Ozluk, 346.
Shadow Strong Wind -285 Acceleration, Periodic Damage/Healing+17 Mana Energy 15 seconds, up to 5 times, Grimbatto-Irudax, 346
As for what to bring, it depends on your fate.