Yin and Zhou dynasties also had outstanding talents in persecuting loyal officials and citizens and inventing cruel punishments. He chopped two loyal ministers, Jiuhou and Hubei Hou, into paste, gouged out the eyes of Jiuhou's daughter and his favorite concubine, and branded his hands with red-hot copper barrels. Ji Chang, the leader of Zhou tribe who was revered as a saint by his subjects, sighed, so Yin Zhou imprisoned him in Tangyin, Henan Province for three years, put his son Ji Kao to death, and made a meat soup for Ji Chang, which Ji Chang had to eat. Ewing proudly declared: "Who said that Ji Chang was a saint and even ate his own son?" After getting carried away, I relaxed my guard against Ji Chang. Yin Zhou's extreme cleverness finally pushed Ji Chang, who was the most loyal and capable to defend him, to the opposite side. Ji Chang no longer ignored the current situation, but appealed to his liking, offering a lot of beautiful women, famous horses, jewels and a lot of compliments that were too sweet to cost a penny to show his "loyalty". Deeply moved, Yin Zhou not only released Ji Chang, but also granted him extensive power to conquer other tribes. Ji Chang used this power to eradicate the tribes still loyal to the Yin and Zhou Dynasties, and then actively planned the war against the Shang Empire. The response of the Yin and Zhou Dynasties was to greatly reward Ji Chang's "loyalty" and transfer a large number of talents who were the pillars of governing the country and the power to help security to Ji Chang, so as to "cultivate" Ji Chang's power to defeat the Shang Empire. Yin's uncle Bigan couldn't bear to watch the Shang Empire's building collapse in front of his eyes. He gave advice to his nephew regardless of his life, advised Yin Zhou to stop fooling around immediately, snared all the talents in the world, and pointed out the crisis of the Shang Empire. Yin Zhou's reaction was to fly into a rage: "I heard that the heart of a saint has seven tricks." You seem to be a saint, and you don't know how many tricks there are. " It's the last day to order Bigan to be cut open, his heart cut out and his bleeding cut out in court. In BC 1 122, he was soaked to the skin and told the imperial secretary to see if he really had seven secrets.
The last day came. In BC 1 122, the Zhou tribe and its alliance joined forces in Jin Meng, Henan Province, and the 45,000-person Zhou Corps and the 700,000-person Shang Corps fought a decisive battle in Mu Ye, the capital of the Shang Empire (Jixian County, Henan Province).
The result of the decisive battle was that the business group failed with absolute superiority, and the fruit of Yin's harvest was to escape to the Lutai where gold and silver were everywhere and set fire to it!
If possible, give a sense of satisfaction.