But the queen was lucky enough to have a daughter in the end. They were going to hold a grand christening ceremony for the princess, so they tried to invite fairies from all over the country to be her godmother (six were invited). According to the custom at that time, each of them will give the princess a gift, which will make the princess perfect and beyond imagination.
After the baptism ceremony, all the people present returned to the palace together. The king and queen specially prepared a sumptuous dinner for these fairies. In the gold box on the tray in front of each fairy, there are pure gold spoons, knives and forks and other tableware inlaid with diamonds and jewels. But when they sat down at the table, they found an old fairy walking into the hall. People didn't invite her because she had left her castle for at least 50 years. Everyone thinks that she is either dead or under the control of magic.
The king ordered a tray for her, but he couldn't get the same gold box as other fairies, because he only ordered six for six fairies. The old fairy felt neglected, so she murmured a few words. A young fairy sitting next to her heard her complaint and decided that she would definitely bring some evil gifts to the princess. So when they got up and left, she quickly hid the princess behind the curtain in case the old fairy had any bad intentions.
At the same time, all the fairies began to give presents to the princess. The youngest child wants to be the most beautiful person in the world. The second wish is that she will have the wisdom of an angel. The third wish is that everything she does will be perfect. The fourth wishes her the most beautiful dance. The fifth hopes that her singing will be as beautiful as a nightingale. The sixth one hopes that she can play all kinds of musical instruments perfectly.
Next is the old fairy, his head is shaking, obviously out of malice rather than old age; She said that the princess's hand would be hurt by the spindle, so she would die.
At this critical moment, the little fairy came out from behind the curtain and said loudly, "Please rest assured. The princess will not die because of this disaster. It's true, although I can't lift her curse. The princess may be hurt by the spindle, but she won't die. She will only fall into a deep sleep until a prince wakes her up. "
In order to avoid this misfortune, the king immediately announced that no one in the country could use or hide spinning wheels and spindles at home, otherwise he would be sentenced to death. Fifteen or sixteen years later, once the king and queen went to a place for a holiday. One day, the princess happened to run around the palace to play. While wandering from room to room, she came to a small room on the top of the castle. There is an old woman spinning with a spindle. The kind old man seems to have never heard of the king's ban.
"What are you doing, old woman?" Asked the princess.
He came to a very wide yard outside the palace and saw a scene that even the most fearless people would be afraid of. There was a terrible silence, and there were scenes of death everywhere: there were only people and animals in front of us, as if they were all dead. But he could see from the soldiers' red faces and breathing noses that they were just asleep. There are still a few drops of wine beside their glasses. It is obvious that they are drunk.
Then he went up the stairs, crossed a marble courtyard and came to the guard room. He saw the guards lined up according to their ranks with muskets on their shoulders, but they were snoring loudly. Then he went through several houses and found men and women standing or sitting, but they were all asleep. At last he came to a golden room with all the curtains open and a bed inside. He met the most beautiful princess. She looks only fifteen or sixteen. It's simply beautiful.
Trembling with excitement, he knelt before her in admiration.
Finally, the magic was broken. The princess woke up, looked at him tenderly and asked, "Is that you, my prince? You kept me waiting so long? "
The prince was completely fascinated by her words and even more attracted by her voice. He doesn't know how to express his joy and excitement. He repeatedly declared that he loved her more than himself. They talk intermittently, and sometimes they cry because of strong love.
Neither the princess nor we need to doubt that he will be in a daze again and again because of excitement. She has enough time to think about what to say to him (although we don't know the content), because our kind fairy gave her many happy dreams during her long sleep. As a result, they talked together for four hours and didn't even finish half of what they wanted to say.
At the same time, the whole palace woke up. Everyone is thinking about their own business again. They don't want to be friends with death because of hunger. The old maid-in-waiting immediately began to work like everyone else and soon loudly told the princess that dinner was ready.
The prince and the princess were having dinner in the mirror hall at that time, and were served by the princess's entourage. At this time, the violin and oboe played an ancient and beautiful tune, although musicians had not played it for a hundred years.
After dinner, the priest of the palace immediately held a wedding for them in the church. The old maid-in-waiting drew the curtains and they had a rest together. The next morning, the prince left the princess and returned to the city. His father is eager to see him. The prince really had no choice. He told his father that he got lost while hunting in the big forest, and then he had to sleep in a woodcutter's cabin. The kind woodcutter also gave him cheese and brown bread.
The king was a kind man, so he believed the story of the prince. But the queen is not so easy to coax. Think about it. The prince goes hunting almost every day. He always goes home every night on one excuse or another, and sometimes he stays out for three or four days. The queen began to doubt whether the prince was married. In this way, the prince and the princess lived together for two years and had two children. The boss is a daughter, called Chenchen; The youngest is a son, because he is very handsome, even more beautiful than his sister, so he is named Liming.
The queen asked the prince several times to know how he spent his days. She thinks she has a right to know all this. The prince never dared to tell his secret to the queen. Although he loves his mother, he is afraid of her because she is the offspring of an ogre. If it were not for her wealth, the king would never want to marry her. Signs of cannibalism are circulating in the palace. Whenever she sees a child passing by, she can't help jumping on it. So the prince couldn't tell her a word at all. Two years later, the old king died and the prince succeeded to the throne and became the ruler. He finally made his marriage public and held a grand coronation ceremony for the new queen in the palace. The new queen swaggered into the capital, sitting between two children.
Soon, the young king went to war with his neighbor Kantala Bout. He entrusted the country to the old queen and his wife and children to his mother. He had to travel around all summer. But as soon as the young king set out, the old queen put her daughter-in-law in a house in the Woods, so that she could satisfy her terrible desires more easily.
A few days later, she went to the cabin in the forest alone and said to the chef in the kitchen, "I'm going to have a small' early morning' for dinner tomorrow."
"ah! Your Majesty! " The chef exclaimed.
"I'll arrange it like this, and Robert will be the seasoning." The old queen said it again.
The poor cook, knowing very well that he had better not play tricks with the troll, had to walk to the "early morning" room with a knife. Chenchen was only four years old. He jumped up and asked him if he had any candy. Seeing this, the chef couldn't help crying and the knife fell out of his hand. He hurried to the backyard, killed a lamb and mixed it with the best seasoning, making the old queen feel that she had never eaten anything so delicious. At the same time, he quickly sent Xiao Chen to his wife and hid her in the cellar under the yard.
About eight days later, the evil old queen told the cook, "I want to have a small dawn for dinner." Without saying a word, he has secretly made up his mind to lie to her as before. The cook ran to Little Li Ming, who was only three years old, and saw him riding a donkey in circles. He came to his wife again with Little Dawn in his arms, so that he could hide the little guy in the cellar where his sister had been. Then he pretended to cook a very tender and tender children's dish in the small "Dawn" room, and the cannibal old woman enjoyed it very much.
As if everything should be over. Who knows that one night, the evil old queen said to the chef, "I want to mix the new queen with the same seasoning to make dinner."
This time, the poor cook was desperate. He couldn't cheat the old witch any more. The young queen is over twenty years old, even if it doesn't count the hundred years of her lethargy. What animal can be used as a substitute for fooling around in the yard? Finally, in order to save his life, he decided to cut the throat of the new queen. On the way to the cabin, he wanted to finish it at once and tried to make himself grumpy. But when he rushed into the young queen's room, he found it impossible, so he had to tell her the shocking truth with full respect: all this was ordered by the old queen.
"Kill me! Come on! Start your mission! So that I can meet my poor children. I love them so much. " With that, the young queen stretched out her neck.
She thought the child had been killed since it was taken away for no reason.