4. Lapis lazuli: Lapis lazuli is a mineral of sodalite family; The molecular formula of lapis lazuli is (na, ca)7-8(al, si) 12(o, s)24(so4), Cl2 (OH) 2 (OH) 2, in which sodium is often partially replaced by potassium and sulfur is partially replaced by sulfate, chlorine or selenium. The types of lapis lazuli are Persian lapis lazuli, Soviet lapis lazuli or Spanish lapis lazuli and Chilean lapis lazuli. ?
5 beats, scattered into chromatography, so opal stone has dazzling changing colors, especially red is the most precious. The types of opals include white opal, black opal, crystal opal, fire opal, colloidal opal or emerald opal, megalithic opal, gangue opal or matrix opal. ?
6. Olivine: Olivine is a kind of gem with its own color. The common colors are pure green, yellow-green to brown-green. Olivine is not colorless. The molecular formula is (mg, fe)2sio4. The types of olivine include olivine, topaz, forsterite, fayalite, "Twilight Emerald" and boehmite. ?
7. Feldspar: According to mineralogical classification, feldspar can be divided into two categories: potash feldspar and plagioclase. The molecular formulas are kalsi3o8 and naalsi3o8 respectively. The types of feldspar are moonstone or cryolite, moonstone or sandstone, Labrador stone, Tianhe stone or Amazon stone. ?
8. Jade: jadeite (also called jadeite) and nephrite. Jadeite is a sodium aluminosilicate, and its molecular formula is naal(sio3)2. Nephrite is a hydrous calcium magnesium silicate, and its molecular formula is: CAG5 (OH) 2 (Si4o11) 2. ?
9. Timekeeping: Timekeeping is a gem of other colors, and pure timekeeping is colorless and transparent. The molecular formula is silicon dioxide. The types of seasonality include crystal, halo or Ayabeni seasonality, rutile speckled or reticulated rutile seasonality, amethyst, topaz, smoky seasonality or smoky crystal, hibiscus stone, Dongling stone, purple Shi Ying seasonality, milk seasonality, sapphire or sapphire Shi Ying, tiger eye, eagle eye or eagle eye, quartz cat eye and starry sky or starry Shi Ying. ?
10. chalcedony: also known as aphanitic time. The molecular formula is silicon dioxide. The types of chalcedony are moonstone, chrysoprase, red agate, carnelian, bloodstone, emerald chalcedony, agate, onyx, jasper, dark green chalcedony and silicified wood. ?
1 1. Garnet: Its crystal shape and color are very similar to pomegranate seeds, hence the name. The general molecular formula of garnet is r3m2(sio4)3. The types of garnet include almandine, magnesium almandine, magnesium almandine, manganese almandine, andradite and calcium chromite. ?
12. Zircon: red, yellow, blue, purple, etc. The molecular formula is zrsio4. ?
13. Spinel: yellow, green and colorless. The molecular formula is mgal2o4. The types of spinel include red spinel, ruby spinel or ruby spinel, purple or garnet-like spinel, pink or rose spinel, orange spinel, blue spinel, sapphire spinel or sapphire spinel, calcite spinel, black spinel, ferrimagnesite spinel or ferrimagnesite spinel. ?
14. Topaz: Topaz is aluminum fluosilicate with orthogonal crystal system. The molecular formula is al2(f, oh)2sio4. The varieties of topaz are brownish yellow to yellowish brown, light blue to light blue, pink and colorless. ?
15. Tourmaline: an extremely complex boroaluminosilicate, which may contain one or more of the following components: magnesium, sodium, lithium, iron, potassium or other metals. These elements have different proportions and colors. The types of tourmalines are red, green, blue, yellow and orange, colorless or white, black, variegated gemstones, cat's eye tourmalines and stone-like tourmalines. ?