Catalogue of jobs (occupations) in short supply in Guangzhou (20 18):
Welders (including welders, gas welders and chemical maintenance welders), rail train drivers, boiler equipment maintenance workers, substation equipment maintenance workers, construction machinery maintenance workers, lifting and loading and unloading machinery operators (including crane workers, electric loading and unloading machinery drivers, internal combustion loading and unloading machinery drivers), water-making and water-treatment workers, industrial wastewater treatment workers, industrial waste gas treatment workers, liquid crystal display device manufacturers, semiconductor chip manufacturers, semiconductor discrete devices and integrated circuit assemblies. Transformers and transformer manufacturers, assemblers of high and low voltage electrical appliances and complete sets of equipment, moulds, foundries, forgers, metal heat treaters (including heat treaters), lathers (including CNC lathers), millers (including CNC milling machines) and locksmiths (including assembly fitters, tool fitters, machine fitters, construction machinery repairmen, and maintenance workers in preparation and drug production workshops). Chemical maintenance fitter), grinder, stamping worker (including cold-working sheet metal worker, cold-working worker, ship sheet metal worker, chemical maintenance riveting worker), electric cutter, Chinese medicine processor, refrigeration worker, manual carpenter (including joinery), industrial solid waste treatment and disposal worker, aviation personnel qualification (aircrew, ground crew, foreign pilots of civil aircraft, pilots, flight mechanics, flight operators).
They are all jobs with low income, low status, high risk, easy to get sick and messy.