Pay attention to the children before and after, and the funeral should focus on the son. Although the son-in-law is legally obliged to honor his parents, he generally does not have to accompany his relatives at the funeral. After the son, daughter-in-law and daughter, even the eldest daughter should stand behind the daughter-in-law. A dead old man without a son. His ashes are kept by his nephew.
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Matters needing attention in funeral:
The whole process of attending the funeral should be solemn, the occasion of the funeral should be solemn, and the true feelings should be natural.
Don't wear bright clothes to the funeral, and avoid weird clothes. You are not allowed to wear dazzling jewels at funerals. Everything at the funeral should be simple, only a white flower.
Pay attention to facial expressions and behaviors, show grief-stricken expressions, walk slowly, speak softly, and avoid laughing and making loud noises.