Nonyin, the birthday of Empress Dowager Cixi, stopped to congratulate. Renzi, a royal decree deleted the name of Prince Pu Jun.
In twenty-five years, Pu Jun was made the successor of Mu Zong, and the ruling and opposition parties rose up to attack him, saying that it would waste legislation. Rong Lu, a great scholar in the Book of Kunyi, said: "The distinction between monarch and minister has been fixed for a long time, and the mouth of China and foreign countries should be guarded against.
Life with Kang Youwei, beheaded Tan Sitong and other six people in the city. If you have the above diseases, seek medical advice. I put Rong Lu in charge of the Ministry of War and still control Beiyang Lu Haijun. Rong Lu set up Wu Weijun, with Nie Shicheng stationed in Lutai as the former army, Dong Fuxiang stationed in Jizhou as the rear army, Song Qing stationed in Shanhaiguan as Zuo Jun, Shi Kai stationed in Tuntian as the right army, and self-raised 10,000 people in Zhong Jun and Nanyuan. At that time, the queen mother discussed the abolition of the emperor and appointed Pu Jun, the son of the king in righteousness, as Mu Zongsi, suffering from outsiders. In Rong Lu's words, it was renamed "Big Brother". know
Then the emperor had children but no children, Empress Dowager Cixi had grandchildren, and the great cause entrusted by Mu Zong was also inherited. "It's a matter of time, if there is a question of making Pu Jun a big brother. Twenty-five years, pawn.
Ding You made Pu Jun, the son of the King Zaiyi, Mu Zongsi and named him Prince. Life yee straight worship HongDeTang, prince Pu Jun for reading.
(In the Draft of Qing History, there are only so many references to Pu Jun. Other things about Pu Jun should be unofficial history! )