Dong Zhuo seized power, but Ding Yuan refused. Dong Zhuo tried to kill Ding Yuan, but a valiant soldier stood behind Ding Yuan. Let Dong Zhuo dare not start work, it is Ding Yuan's adopted son Lu Bu, a young hero. If you want to get rid of the opposition Ding Yuan, you must get rid of Lu Bu, or buy Lu Bu for your own use. Therefore, Dong Zhuo's soldiers suggested that Dong Zhuo accept Lu Bu and sell him.
Su Li is a classmate of Lu Bu and now works for Dong Zhuo. He was ordered to take the treasure to see Lu Bu. The most important thing is to give the BMW and Red Rabbit owned by Dong Zhuo to Lu Bu, and also praise the ability of Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu, saying that they can join hands to level the world. Lyu3 bu4 overjoyed, killed Ding Yuan, defected to Dong Zhuo, and became Dong Zhuo's adopted son-from then on, he became the "three surnames domestic slave" scolded by Zhang Fei!
After Dong and Lu joined forces, no one dared to stand out in the DPRK, which led to the next beauty series. Old Stuart (Prime Minister) Wang Yun used a trick to alienate Dong and Lu, the dog father and son!
Extended data
The introduction of the characters in this chapter
1, Ding Yuan (146—189), a native of Nancheng County, Taishan County, Yanzhou. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, great warlords and governors and officials worshipped Jin Wu and the Secretary of State. During his tenure, he had a close relationship with Lu Bu, the main book, and treated him well, and sent JASON ZHANG, Zhang Liao and other subordinates to Luoyang.
After the death of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, he led the army into Luoyang as a post and plotted with the general He Jin to kill ten regular attendants, but it was soon revealed that He Jin was killed by eunuchs. After the eunuch was eliminated, Ding Yuan disagreed with the warlord Dong Zhuo on the issue of abolishing the emperor, so Dong Zhuo induced Lu Bu to kill him and his power was annexed.
2. Su Li? -192), Wuyuan (now northwest of Baotou City, Inner Mongolia). In April of the 3rd year of Yong Han Dynasty, Stuart Wang Yun, the servant of Shangshu and Zhuobu plotted against Zhuobu. At that time, the son of heaven recovered from illness and the conference was not over yet. In the same county, the commander Su Shi and others were stationed, and more than ten soldiers were stationed, pretending to be guards and gatekeepers. Buhuai imperial edict. , Sue and other outstanding. Zhuo shouted where the cloth was.
Bu said "there is an imperial decree", so he killed Zhuo and Yi. After Zhuo's son-in-law, the corps commander Niu Fu sent troops to Shaanxi and sent a captain, Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Jilve, Ying Chuan and other counties. After Zhuo's death, Lu Bu sent to Shaanxi, hoping to punish him with a letter. Auxiliary and anti-war, turning defeat into victory, promoting agriculture and spreading the Soviet Union.