1a-added before the word or root, indicating no, no, no.
2 a- added before the word, indicating that it is in ... ...
3 ab-, abs- is added before the root to indicate the opposite, deterioration, departure, etc.
4 AB-, AC-, AD-, AF-, AG-, An-, AP-, AR-, As-, AT- and so on. It is added before the root of the same consonant to indicate repeated emphasis.
Add it before a word or root to indicate that you are doing ... strengthen. ......
6 two kinds-refers to two or two kinds.
7 an- before the root, it means nothing, nothing.
8 ana- indicates an error, in addition, alone
Before 9-means before, first of all.
10 indicates opposition, and vice versa.
11apo-means to leave and stay away.
12 auto- means automatic and self-control.
13 be- constitutes a verb, meaning to make. ......
14 be- forms some prepositions.
15 bene- It means good, good.
16 bi- means two, two.
17 other means, deputy
18 cata-means to go down, on the contrary, to leave.
19 circle-meaning around, around.
20 co- stands for * * *, usually placed before the vowel root.
2 1 col-, cor- means * * * is the same before the root of the same consonant.
22 com-, con- means * * *
23 contra- express opposition, on the contrary
Oppose, on the contrary
25-meaning to get rid of, go bad, leave, slow down, go down, etc.
26 de- manufacturing method ... become, strengthen, etc.
27 deca- means 10.
One tenth of 28 means one tenth.
29 and a half means half.
30 di- means two, double
3 1 di- manufacturing method ... become, separate, leave.
Diameter 32- means through, in between.
33 dif- and consonant repetition means no, no, separate.
34 dis- means no, disappear
35 denotes separation, separation
36 dys-means bad, bad
37 e-, ef- means, come out,
38 em-, en- means to enter and surround.
39 em-, en- means to turn ... into a state.
Within 40-within
4 1 epi- means above, around and behind. ...
42 EU-means good, excellent
43 ex- means, get out
44 ex- means previous, previous
45 exo- stands for external, external.
46 extra- means to surpass, surpass
47 Fore-refers to the front, forward.
48 Hector-means hundreds, many.
49 and a half means half.
50 sevenths-sevenths
5 1 hetero- stands for different species and heterogeneity.
Hexa stands for six.
Holography-means everything
54 homo- means the same kind.
55 super-means more than that, too much.
56 hypo-meaning below, below.
57 il-, ir- consonant repetition means no, no
The means of manufacturing ... become, enter.
59 im-, in- means nothing, nothing, nothing
60 im-, in- means inward, enter
6 1 the middle value is between ... and each other.
62 intra- means inside, inside
63 intro- means inward, inward
64 iso- stands for, etc.
65 kg-means 1000
66 macro-refers to macro transmission, large.
67 mal-; Male means bad and evil.
68 yuan means to surpass or change.
Micro means tiny and small.
70 millicents-means thousands, one thousandth.
7 1 mini- means small.
72 Error-indicates error, bad.
73 mono- means single, one
More than 74 means a lot.
75 neo- means new
76 doesn't mean no, no
77 ob-means to reverse, reverse and strengthen the meaning.
78 Octa-means eight; Also known as octo
79 omni- means all, anywhere
Exceeding 80-means exceeding, exceeding
8 1 out- means obsolete.
82 over- means excessive, excessive
Excessive means turning over.
More than 84 means more than ...
85 ancient-means ancient, ancient.
86 pan- stands for a wide range
87 para- means semi-similar and auxiliary.
88 para- means next to
89 para- It means parachute.
90 strokes-indicating approximation, almost.
9 1 five-five
92 points means from beginning to end.
93 points means wrong, not good
94 peri- means around, near.
95 poly-means more
After 96-meaning in the back.
97 postal service-refers to mail and postal services.
Before 98 finger ...
99 yes, dear. ...
100 pro- means forward, in front.
10 1 pro- is of great significance. ...
102 proto- means original. ...
103 false-means false, false
104 quadri-, quadru- means four.
105 is similar and accurate.
106 means backward again, and vice versa.
107 means again and again.
108 retro- means backward, backward.
109 se-means to separate, leave and distinguish.
1 10 semi- means half.
1 1 1 separate-,separate-means seven.
1 12 sex-,sexi-,sex-means six.
1 13 step-indicates that step or ex-husband (wife) was born.
1 14 stereo-stands for stereo.
1 15 refers to the following, second class and deputy.
1 16 child means close, close.
Consonants such as 1 17 suc-, suf-, sup-, sur- are repeated below. ...
1 18 above the means. ...
1 19 super-means super, over, over.
120 supra- means super. ...
12 1 sur- consonants are not repeated, which means above.
122 sus- means insufficient. ...
123 sym-, syn- means * * * same, same.
124 tetra stands for four people.
125 trans- means crossing, crossing.
126 trans means transformation, change'; transfer
127 Theory of Three Represents three people
128 twi-means two, two.
129 hyperrepresents extreme.
130 exceeds.
13 1 un- means no, no, no, no.
132 un- means open, untie and go out.
133 under- means below and inside. ...
134 under- means insufficient, insufficient.
135 owe finger pair 3.
136 uni- stands for one, single.
137 vice-means vice
138 band-means backward, and vice versa.