Method for obtain various colored pap for jewelry
1. Earth Storm Diamond Series 1, tenacious Earth Storm Diamond Source 1: Karazan Virtual Spirit Stealer Location: Library Source 2: Tarot Carson Linterock Location: 2. Cruel Earth Storm Diamond Source: Storm Steep Astral Consortium Prestige Merchant Location: netherstorm-Storm Steep Needs Prestige: Worship 3, The origin of the brute earth storm diamond: more than N ... such as the hunter Artumen in Karazan and some mobs in Karazan ballroom ... slaves in Kamen Rider Shadow Moon Valley, etc ... 4. Insights into the origin of the diamond in the earth storm: quartermaster position in Chatar: Shengguang Square in Shatas needs prestige: respect 5. The place of inspiration, the origin of storm diamonds: the prestige of Hisard astrological consortium, businessman: Karazan needs prestige: respect 6. Powerful Earth Storm Diamond Origin: Hisard Astral Consortium Prestige Business Location: Karazan needs prestige: respect 7. Eternal Earth Storm Diamond Origin: Adala. Dawn Walker Crushes Sunset Location: Kerr Dahners Island Needs Reputation: Respect 2. Skyfire diamond series 1. Origin: Karas Astral Alliance Material Officer Location: netherstorm-Storm Tower Needs Reputation: Respect 2. Secret method skyfire diamond origin:. Destructive skyfire diamond origin: crystal's nuclear outpost: storm fortress 4, mysterious skyfire diamond origin: time cave quartermaster origin: time cave needs prestige: respectful brush prestige location: black swamp 5, Thunder's skyfire diamond origin: there are more than N, such as Nalan and Broken Museum. , are all little monsters. 6. Chaotic skyfire diamond origin: Shadow Moon Valley Kuska siren 7, ashes skyfire.