1937 The Hobbit (Hobbit)
Lord of the Rings: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
Lord of the Rings: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.
The Adventures of Tom Bambadilan
Postmortem publication:
1977 Silmarillion
1980 The unfinished story of Noumeno and Middle-earth.
Tolkien's letter
1983 the book of lost stories I
1984 book of lost stories II
1985 laying of Bailieu orchid
1986 the formation of middle-earth
1987 "Lost Road and Other Works"
1988 "The Return of the Shadow"
1989 treason in Eisinger.
1990 Battle of the Ring
1992 Soren was defeated
1993 Moges's ring
1994 "Jewelry War"
People in Middle-earth.
1990 Bilbo's last song
1997 legend of danger
1998 random
Children of Harlem in 2007.
The History of the Hobbit in 2007 contains a large number of guidebooks, illustrations, movies and games, etc. There is no difference between good and bad, so I won't introduce them here. Language:
1978 introduction to elvish by Jim Allen.
1980 the language of middle-earth, by Ruth S. noel.
Introduction to Sinda, 2007, by David Salo.
20 10 《 Adenauer Keji 》, by Frederic Miller, Agnes Van Dom and John McBrewster (by Frederic Miller, Agnes Van Dom and John McBrewster of Adunaic).
20 10 sindarin Byfrederic Miller (Agnes Vandome, John McBrewster), sindarin.
Kunya 20 10, by Frederic Miller, Agnes Van Dom and John McBrewster (Kunya authors Frederic Miller, Agnes Van Dom and John McBrewster).
20 10 "the language of villa", by Lambert sohorn, miriam Templeton and Susan maseken.
20 1 1 Dwarf language, written by jerrold Angelus.
Taliska was created by Lambert Suhorn, miriam templeton and Susan Masseken, 20 10.
20 1 1 Multilingualism in South China, by Rambert Sohorn, Miriam Templeton and Susan Maseken.
20 1 1 Romanian by cornelia Cecilia Eglintin.
20 1 1 Languages of Middle-earth: Elf, Arda, Adenauer, Dwarf, Black, Western lingua franca, Europa, Romanian, Vera, Taleska, Echlin, Shu Ren, Kunya and Cinda (books), published by Hehuaistos Publishing House. Including: elvish (Middle Earth), Arda, A.D.? naic、Khuzdul、Black Speech、Westron、Oromean、Rohirric、Valarin、Taliska、Ilkorin、Entish、Quenya、Sindarin
A Dictionary of Fictional Languages compiled by Steven Rogers.
20 12 Kunya Dictionary is written by Kunya-English-Kunya Pocket Dictionary by Anbar El Daryun.
20 12 "the highest commandment: a Kunya dictionary", by Wikipedia (a person who rules all of them-a Kunya word from Wikipedia).
20 14 "western vocabulary: Czech and western common language in Adenauer", written by Cody regis (vocabulary of Westernesse: Ad? Naic and Westron by Codex Regius)
Karen Wynn Fonstad at 200 1 Atlas of Middle-earth.
Atlas of Middle-earth drawn by Brian Sibley in 2003.
In 2003, henry cole wrote The Rhyme of Middle-earth (Middle-earth: Poems by Henry Cole).
In 2004, Henry Gee's Middle-Earth Science.
Fleming rutledge's The Battle of Middle-Earth in 2004.
Plants in Middle-Earth written by Dana Ha Zeer in 2006.