Pinyin Name: Wei Jingxian Flavor
English name: microcrystalline cellulose
Page number: 2000 edition II-978
This product is a powder made of pure cotton fiber by hydrolysis. Calculated by dry products, the cellulose content should be 97.0% ~ 102.0%.
Properties This product is white or white-like powder, odorless and tasteless.
This product is insoluble in water, ethanol, acetone or toluene.
Identification Take this product 10mg, put it on the surface mirror, and add 2mg of zinc chloride iodine test solution, which is blue.
Check the fineness. Take 20.0 grams of this product and put it in a medicine sieve. No more than 5.0% of the powder can't pass through the No.7 sieve.
No less than 50.0% of the powder can pass through the No.9 sieve.
Take 2.0g of this product to measure the pH value, add 100ml of water, shake well for 5min, filter, take the filtrate and determine it according to law (Appendix VI
H), the pH value should be 5.0 ~ 7.5.
Weigh 5.0g of water-soluble substances, add 80ml of water, shake well for 65438 00 minutes, filter, and put the filtrate in an evaporating dish with constant weight.
Evaporating in water bath, drying at 65438 005℃ for 65438 0 hours, with no residue exceeding 0.2%.
Take 0. 10g of this product as chloride, add 35ml of water, shake well, filter, take the filtrate, and check it according to law (Appendix VIII A).
Compared with the control solution made of 3.0ml standard sodium chloride solution, it should not be more concentrated (0.03%).
Weigh 0. 1g starch, add 5ml water, shake well, and add 0.2ml iodine test solution, which shall not be blue.
Loss on drying takes this product and dries it to constant weight at 105℃, and the weight loss shall not exceed 5.0% (Appendix VIII L).
Take this product 1.0g as residue on ignition, and determine it according to law (Appendix VIII N), and the residue shall not exceed 0.2%.
For heavy metals, the residue left under residue on ignition should be checked according to law (the second method in Appendix VIII H), and it must not contain heavy metals.
More than 10 parts per million.
Take 1.0g arsenic salt, add 1.0g calcium hydroxide, mix, add water and stir evenly, and after drying, use low heat first.
Burn it to carbonization, then burn it at 600℃ until it is completely ashed, cool it, add 5ml hydrochloric acid and 23ml water to dissolve it, and check it according to law.
(appendix ⅷ j first method), should comply with the provisions (0.0002%).
Content determination: take about 0. 125g of this product, weigh it accurately, put it in a conical flask, add 25ml of water, and add chromium accurately.
50 ml of potassium acid solution (take 4.903 g of benchmark potassium dichromate, add appropriate amount of water to dissolve and dilute to 200 ml), mix well, small.
Add 100ml sulfuric acid to the heart, quickly heat it to boiling, cool it to room temperature, transfer it to a 250ml volumetric flask, dilute it to scale with water, and shake it well.
Evenly and accurately measure 50 ml, add 3 drops of phenanthroline indicator solution, and titrate with ammonium ferrous sulfate titration solution (0. 1mol/L).
The titration results were corrected by blank test. Every 1ml ammonium ferrous sulfate titration solution (0. 1mol/L) is equivalent to 0.675mg of fiber.
Su Wei.
Category accessories.
Store tightly.
Microcrystalline cellulose (mcc) is a kind of free-flowing crystalline powder (non-fiber particles). Insoluble in water, dilute acid and most organic solvents, slightly soluble in 20% alkali solution. Widely used in pharmaceutical excipients, can be directly used for dry powder tabletting, and is widely used as pharmaceutical excipients, fluidity AIDS, fillers, disintegrants, anti-sticking agents, adsorbents, capsule diluents, etc.