Red chalcedony is translucent chalcedony from orange to red. The red color is caused by iron oxide impurities. Because carnelian is quite common, it is a low-priced gem. The best carnelian is translucent, and some carnelian will be dyed. Red chalcedony is often carved by hand.
Maintenance instructions of carnelian
Red chalcedony is brittle, so it should be stored independently and properly, and ornaments should not collide with each other. Do not touch chemicals such as acid, alkali or organic solvent. Be sure to clean it with clear water and apply grease (baby oil), or put it in diluted soap solution when cleaning, wipe it with a soft brush and rinse it with clear water, and then absorb the water with a soft cloth.
Never wash carnelian with strong soap or hot water to avoid losing its luster; Don't be exposed to high temperature in case its color becomes lighter. Don't wear it when bathing or swimming, which may cause the surface to change and lose luster.