World of Warcraft summoning ornaments
How to get the Wood Throat Defender: After the reputation worship of the Wood Throat Fortress, you will get the supervisor badge. How to get the captain's badge? How to gain the prestige task chain of pterodactyl? How to win the prize of Butler Bell of Ballauff: successor of Ballauff and successor of Ballauff of Psychic Academy, and how to get portable artillery: Stansom, gunner Willie Fowles. Mechanical baby dragon material: bronze frame, iron bar (2), spring synchronous coordinated gyroscope (2), topaz secret silver mechanical baby dragon material: secret silver ingot (4), heart of flame (2), real silver ingot (4), ruby arcane baby dragon material: secret silver mechanical baby dragon, precision arcane converter (4). Obtained through engineering. How to get goblin cockfighting: engineering production. The materials are secret silver shell, real silver ingot (6), secret silver ingot (6), secret silver rod (2) and gold energy core. Jasper (2) C 'Thun's tentacles were won by Angel La, and C 'Thun's silver-white battle horn was won by: 3.0 natural disaster invasion and silver dawn material reward. How to get a voodoo mask: Zuaman, the statue of Malacas, the wizard-the emerald boar; How to get it: WLK jewelry processing, made of Titan steel ingot (2), Morrie emerald (2) and claw of bloody ruby Yogesalon; How to get it: O 'Du Ya, the fall of Jorge Salon.