I personally suggest buying gold. Still the old idea, gold hard currency, available everywhere, can preserve and increase value. Most women like to buy bags, Because bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag. Bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags
Choose gucci. In the past two years, Gucci's sales have occupied a dominant position in the luxury goods industry. If you want to buy something with a big brand and think the counter is too expensive, look for the original goods in Guangzhou. What you are satisfied with is the quality and high cost performance of the bag. Good original goods can be put together with counter goods, and no one dares to say that they are fakes.
I think the quality of GUCCI in this house is similar to that of LV, but the goods in LV are more complete than GUCCI. I often visit this house.
Is LV worth buying? If you have money to spend, it's definitely worth buying. There is always a bag you like, but if we don't have much money, there is no need to buy it, because big brands are dispensable. To sum it up.
In addition, I think the quality of lv bags is better than other luxury brands. So if I have to say what's good about lv bags, I really think that from all aspects, no matter its brand or its style, a girl should have at least one lv bag in her life.
LV is better. Many men like LV bags. Atmosphere.
Is it better to buy gold jewelry or jade jewelry now? Recommend it ~
1, the two styles are different, with Huang Jingui flavor and elegant jade. Look at personal temperament and preferences. Gold keeps its value, but does not appreciate. Good jadeite has room for appreciation. Jade is good for people's health. It depends on personal preference.
2, jade is better, jade is beautiful, and jade has a variety of colors, which can be said to be the most magnificent jade. Sculpture based on the material of jade itself is full of cultural accumulation and creativity.
3, the so-called radish and green vegetables have their own love. No matter how much the price of gold is, the beauty is similar, but jade is not. The price is as low as garbage. Only at a certain price can it be beautiful as an ornament! I hope I can help you.
4. Choose gold, which is more valuable. The water in the emerald circle is deep. In addition to the large price difference, jade's various fake technologies are also dazzling, unless you have your own channels or resources to choose from.
Van Cleef & Arpels Watch Scratches
If the scratch on the strap is shallow, you can go to the watch shop to buy K gold cloth or magic cloth to wipe it yourself. If the scratch is not deep, it can be removed.
If the watch is scratched, you can make the worn watch look brand-new by grinding, wearing and polishing. If serious bumps lead to bruises and dents, the repair process is relatively complicated, so it is necessary to take the watch to a professional watch repair center for repair.
If the mirror is worn, rubbed or slightly scratched, it is relatively simple to deal with this situation. You can drop a few drops of water on the mirror, then squeeze a little toothpaste and wipe it back and forth with a cotton ball, so that the scratches on the mirror can be scraped clean and the mirror will be brand-new.
It can be repaired. It's simple. Just wipe it after you finish. If there is a place to repair it, repair it nearby.
When there are scratches or slight scratches on the mirror surface of the watch, you can first drop a drop or two of water on the mirror surface of the watch, then squeeze a little toothpaste, and then wipe it back and forth with a cotton ball, so that the scratches can be removed and the mirror can be as good as new.
Is it better to buy a watch of 10 thousand yuan or jade?
Emerald and watch are two different commodities, which cannot be directly compared. Emerald is a precious mineral, which is very expensive because of its quality and scarcity, and watch is a high-grade ornament. In most cases, its price depends on the brand, manufacturing quality and market demand.
Longines watches are multifunctional. Longines watches have the function of checking time and checking, while jade bracelets only have the function of checking. Buy Longines watches. High cost performance. Longines watches are more cost-effective and more affordable than jade bracelets.
Emerald high-priced jadeite is common, and high-priced watches are hard to find, which also shows that the collection value of jadeite is often higher than that of watches. Emerald can be collected as a family heirloom. The better the composition, the older the material and the higher the value of jadeite.