300 English words
Horn, ant, apple, arch, arm, army, baby, bag, ball, belt, basin, basket, bath, bed, bee, clock, berry, bird, blade, board, boat, bone, book, boots, bottle, box, boy, brain, brake, branch, brick, bridge. Curtains, cushions, dogs, doors, drains, drawers, clothes, girls, gloves, goats, guns, hair, hammers, hands, hats, heads, hearts, hooks, horns, horses, hospitals, houses, islands, jewels, kettles, keys, knees, knives, knots, leaves, legs, libraries, threads. Pictures, pigs, pins, pipes, airplanes, plates, plows, pockets, pots, potatoes, prisons, pumps, railways, rats, receipts, ring sponges, spoons, springs, squares, stamps, stars, stations, stems, sticks, stockings, stomachs, shops, streets, the sun, tables, tails, etc. Worm, capable, sour, angry, automatic, beautiful, black, boiling, bright, broken, brown, cheap, chemical, chief, clean, clear, common, complex, conscious, cutting, profound, dependent, early, elastic, electric, equally important, kind, like, alive, long. Poor, possible, present, personal, approximate, fast, quiet, ready, red, regular, responsible, correct, round, identical, second, separate, serious, sharp, smooth, sticky, stiff, straight, strong, sudden and sweet.
Chinese translation
Horn, ant, apple, arch, arm, army, baby, bag, ball, belt, pool, basket, bathtub, bed, bee, bell, berry, bird, blade, board, boat, bone, book, start, bottle, box, boy, brain, brake, branch, brick. Ropes, cows, cups, curtains, cushions, dogs, doors, sewers, drawers, clothes, water drops, ears, eggs, engines, eyes, faces, farms, feathers, fingers, fish, flags, floors, flights, feet, forks, livestock, frames, yards, girls, gloves, goats, guns. Libraries, lines, lips, locks, maps, competitions, monkeys, moons, mouths, muscles, nails, necks, needles, nerves, nets, noses, nuts, offices, oranges, ovens, small bags, pens, pencils, pictures, pigs, pins, pipes, airplanes, plates, plows, pockets and cans. Skin, skirt, snake, socks, shovel, sponge, spoon, spring, square, stamp, star, station, root, stick, stocking, stomach, shop, street, sun, table, tail, line, throat, thumb, ticket, toe, tongue, tooth, town, train, plate. Cheap, chemical, first, clean, clear, * * * same, complex, conscious, cutting, deep, dependent, early, elastic, electric, equal, obese, fertile, first, fixed, flat, free, frequent, full, general, good, great, gray, hanging, happy. Physics, politics, poverty, possibility, current, private, possibility, fast, quiet, ready, red, conventional, responsible, correct, round, identical, second, separate, serious, sharp, smooth, sticky, stiff, straight, strong, sudden, sweet, high, thick, tight and tired.
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