One of the 4C standards for diamonds is cutting, which is aimed at diamonds with bright cutting methods. [1] All other factors being equal, the bright cutting process has the highest diamond value.
Chinese name
Diamond cutting method
Foreign name
Diamond cutting method
Diamond processing technology
Highest technology
Bright cutting technology
navigate by water/air
Technical standard try cutting street
For bright cutting, the standard cutting method is 57-face cutting.
Please refer to Diamond 4C[2] standard for the names of the following parts:
Crown: The upper part of the diamond is called the crown, including 1 watch, 8-star facet, 8-bezel facet and 16 upper girdle facet, with a total of ***33 segments.
Ring: The widest part of a diamond, and it is also the joint between the crown at the top and the pavilion at the bottom. The girdle is the place where diamonds are fixed when setting jewels.
The part below the pavilion diamond is called the pavilion, that is, the part below the waist to the tip of the diamond. Including 16 lower girdle facet, 8 pavilion facets and 1 the bottom base, with a total of ***25 facets; Because diamonds have different sharp bottoms, the diamond pavilion without sharp bottoms has only 24 facets, and the total number of facets is 57. However, with the development of cutting technology, there are more and more surfaces that can be cut. It is generally believed that the more cutting surfaces, the more shiny they are. I've seen 74, 88 and 200 cuts, but it's rare. For some rare cutting methods, usually jewelry will also show the corresponding certificate.