The dzi beads are divided into various totems, and the nine-eyed dzi beads are the king of dzi beads, which bring together the merits of nine times and represent the strength of the world and the compassion of all beings. When Princess Wencheng married Songzan Gambu, she brought a Buddha statue inlaid with various gems. The most obvious place on the hat was three nine-eyed dzi beads.
Extended data:
The dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi-dzi was a totem made in ancient India and Mesopota
According to research, the traditional method of making dzi beads in ancient Tibet is primitive. There are two methods: grinding the mined ore by hand, soaking it in a Chinese herbal medicine with the natural resin of the extinct white coconut flower, drawing lines with the eyes while the Lama is chanting, and then opening, wearing and blessing.
Baidu encyclopedia-nine-eyed dzi beads