The content of traditional folk wedding in Sichuan is reflected in the process of marriage etiquette.
The bride selection in a man's wedding is usually when the sedan chair is carried to the center of the courtyard dam and the hall is not parked. Mr. Li made a few polite remarks, indicating that he had successfully completed the task of choosing a bride. After the hostess thanked him politely on behalf of the host, the sedan chair stopped. Then, a beautiful young and articulate aunt or elder sister selected by the man's master, holding cypress or safflower, went to lift the curtain of the sedan chair and said, "A purple cloud in the east, a red flower in the west and a red flower in the purple cloud, please get off the sedan chair." If the bride doesn't get off the sedan chair, she will pull her relatives and say, "Listen, new girl, your XXX will pull her relatives and get off the sedan chair quickly, so as not to make your brother unhappy." When the bride gets off the sedan chair, the bride takes off the corolla (the sedan chair is connected with the corolla), keeps the hijab, presents one end of the red silk (cloth) belt with two knots to the bride, and leads the bride into the room step by step. At this time, the man said, "Play gongs and drums, play suona, pick up new people, go to the husband's house, go to the courtyard dam, raise red flowers, pass money and flowers, cross the threshold, enter the house and step on the golden duck." After entering the room, the hostess still presided over the chapel.
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