After seeing the exchanged diamonds, the appearance specifications and coding information of these fake diamonds are very similar to the real diamonds. If you are a non-professional, you may not feel anything wrong, so the perpetrators must have relevant knowledge and understanding. The company will inspect the precious jewelry every year and then make records. Because the diamonds were found to be replaced this time, it has been one year since the last inventory due to the long time span. So there are many signs of temporary placement. It is quite difficult to check.
With the launch of the police investigation plan, the surrounding staff were investigated first, and suddenly a suspicious resigned employee who had been employed for seven months entered the police's sight. After that, the police checked Jia's bank card and shopping information of various commodities, and found that Jia did buy diamonds similar to those replaced online.
After finding the evidence, the task force immediately launched an arrest operation, and then determined that Jia was a thief in the prison area. According to his account, he has always had the criminal psychology of transferring real diamonds since he joined the company, and then used his position to learn about related diamonds. Model and personal information. The last seven diamonds worth 7 million were stolen. After he succeeded, he quickly went through the formalities of leaving his job, and then sold these diamonds to the shops that recycle luxury goods online. The money for selling diamonds has also been consumed by Jia. After that, Jia was detained in criminal detention.
What can we learn from this case?
Luxury companies fail to screen the quality of employees, supervise employees and protect precious jewelry.
In fact, the more stores or shops that sell valuables, the higher the requirements for self-control and vigilance of staff. In fact, there are very few daring thefts now, and most of them are committed by acquaintances, or they steal from themselves. Therefore, other stores selling luxury goods should carefully screen the qualifications of employees and strongly demand that they have higher vigilance and self-control.
At the same time, on the other hand, it can be revealed that the supervision system of this jewelry company is not in place, and there is no camera and no supervision equipment in the storage space for luxury goods. If the supervision equipment can be set up perfectly, it will have a deterrent effect on some people with ulterior motives.