The sword of the Egyptian Pharaoh, the sword of the Persian royal family, and the ring-headed broadsword of the Han Dynasty in China were called the three hegemonic weapons in the ancient world, which made the dynasty powerful and even dominated for hundreds of years.
These three weapons were world-famous because of the prosperity of the dynasty, and they were the main equipment of the troops at that time, and they were world-renowned. The sword of Egyptian Pharaoh is the oldest, which was popular from 15 BC to 12 BC, so Egypt ruled the world for 400 years. Persian royal swords were popular in the 6th and 5th centuries BC and in the 3rd and 5th centuries AD. At that time, Persia was the first great power in the world. China Huanshou broadsword was popular in Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, which was undoubtedly the most prosperous period in ancient China.
The Egyptian Pharaoh's sword is called "khepesh", which is not entirely a sword, similar to the ancient "Wu Gou" in China. It was originally used for throwing and later for chopping. This weapon is quite sharp, it can split the armor, and the hook in front can hook off the enemy's helmet, which was very powerful at that time.
Persian imperial sword, also known as national sword and imperial sword, is a symbolic weapon of Persian empire. Made by the state, used to equip the national army. The casting technology of the Persian Empire is very advanced, and this weapon is also very sharp. The casting cost of sword is very high. The hilt of the sword is made of horns, jade and precious stones, and the tip of the sword expands outward. The scabbard is generally made of gold, copper, etc. Royal nobles also use jewelry. This weapon is used to equip cavalry, and it can often chop the enemy into pieces, which is very powerful.
China's ring-headed broadsword is not a so-called ghost knife, but a straight knife with a thick back and a thin blade. Forged repeatedly by fine steel, it is sharp and durable. The cavalry of the Han dynasty equipped with broadswords completely defeated the Xiongnu; The Tang Dynasty defeated the northern minorities and created the most prosperous period in ancient China.