If it is profitable, I will write something that affects you. Jewelry: +67 Mastery, intelligence, spirit, agility, crit these stones. Alchemy: As it is now, there are drugs that can return blue and blood indefinitely, and there are also ways to improve the effect of the mixture and prolong its time. Tailor: There is a certain chance to get 800 blue when casting spells, and there is a certain chance to increase 580 mana when casting spells (cloak enchantment). Otherwise, you don't pick herbs yourself. If you make money by blasting, it's the same as making money. If you make jewelry, it is estimated to be 10G. If you are a tailor, you can make some money in the early stage by washing your own cloth and doing some small-scale overload, but you can't make much money when you count the time and energy, mainly because there is an evil leg enchantment. The improvement speed of CTM equipment is much slower than that of LK era, so this enchantment should give you good benefits. LZ, choose for yourself.