When the wages promised by the boss are not fulfilled, the workers can first negotiate with the boss to solve the wage difference problem. If negotiation fails, the laborer can complain to the local labor inspection department, explain the situation and provide relevant evidence, such as WeChat chat records and employment offers. The labor supervision department will intervene in the investigation and take corresponding actions to protect the rights and interests of workers. If the complaint is invalid or dissatisfied, the employee can choose to file a labor arbitration. Labor arbitration is a way to mediate labor disputes through a third-party organization. Laborers can apply to the labor arbitration institution for arbitration, and ask the boss to pay the deducted wages and compensation, including double indemnity who did not sign the labor contract and the compensation for illegally dissolving the labor relationship. If the arbitration result is unacceptable or unenforceable, the laborer can solve the dispute through litigation. Workers can bring a lawsuit to the court and ask the court to order the boss to pay the wage difference and corresponding compensation. After the labor arbitration award comes into effect, if the employer fails to implement it, the laborer may apply to the court for compulsory execution. For disputes that fall into the category of unpaid labor remuneration, workers can also directly file a civil lawsuit with the court.
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