This is an enhanced version of the garbage disposal bat.
Create a new text on the desktop, copy all the following commands, and then save the new text (. TXT changed to BAT).
Then double-click to open automatic garbage cleaning, sometimes you can clean up hundreds of G spaces.
@ Turn off echo
@ ECHO。 explain
@ ECHO -
@ ECHO This is a batch circulating on the Internet. It will help you remove traces of the recycle bin, temporary directories and recently opened files.
@ ECHO, etc. This will help the system to run. If your computer runs slowly, it's because there is too much useless luck.
@ ECHO takes up CPU and memory resources. Redo the system or restore the system with Ghost is the most thorough way.
@ Echo
@ Echo-@ Echo.
@ Turn off echo
* Modified on 29 July 2008.
Color 2f
Title system junk file cleaner
Echo * * * * System junk file cleaner * * * *
The echo characteristics of this program:
Echo Because many people transfer folders such as IE cache to non-system disks,
Echo So, when this program cleans up junk files, it first judges the system.
Echo's settings.
Advantages of echo: the cleaning position is more accurate and the strategy is more scientific.
Echo began to clean up ...
Echo is checking the directory location (current user), such as cookies and history. ...
Reg query "HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Current Version \ Explorer \ Shell Folder"/vcache > %temp%\cleantmp.txt
Regquery "hkcu \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Current Version \ Explorer \ Shell Folder"/vCookies > & gt%temp%\cleantmp.txt
Regquery "hkcu \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Current Version \ Explorer \ Shell Folder"/vhistory > & gt%temp%\cleantmp.txt
Reg query "HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Current Version \ Explorer \ Shell Folder"/vnethood > & gt%temp%\cleantmp.txt
Regquery "HKCu \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Current Version \ Explorer \ Shell Folder"/Vrecent > & gt%temp%\cleantmp.txt
Echo is cleaning CookIEs, ie cache, history, etc. (current user) ...
for/f " tokens = 3 * " % a in(% temp % \ clean tmp . txt)do(
for /d %%i in ("%%a %%b\*。 *)do rd/s/q " % % I "
del /a /f /s /q "%%a %%b\*。 *"
* Not necessarily duplicated with the above items (! ), also applies to the current user directory.
Echo is cleaning up temporary files (system directory). ...
del/a/f/s/q " % user profile % \ Locals ~ 1 \ Tempor ~ 1 \ *。 *"
del/a/f/s/q " % user profile % \ Locals ~ 1 \ Temp \ *。 *"
del/a/f/s/q " % user profile % \ cookies \ *。 *"
del/a/f/s/q " % user profile % \ recent \ *。 *"
del /a /f /s /q "%Temp%\*。 *"
del /a /f /s /q "%Tmp%\*。 *"
del /a /f /s /q "%HomePath%\..\IconCache.db "
Echo is cleaning up junk files in the system directory (wait, it will take some time) ...
del /a /f /s /q "%SystemRoot%\*。 _mp "
del /a /f /s /q "%SystemRoot%\*。 bak "
del /a /f /s /q "%SystemRoot%\*。 Journal "
del /a /f /s /q "%SystemRoot%\*。 dmp "
del /a /f /s /q "%SystemRoot%\*。 gid "
del /a /f /s /q "%SystemRoot%\*。 Old "
del /a /f /s /q "%SystemRoot%\*。 Query "
del /a /f /q "%SystemRoot%\*。 tmp "
Rd/s/q "%systemroot% \ downloaded program file"
Rd/s/q "%systemroot% \ offline webpage"
Rd/s/q "%systemroot% \ Connection Wizard"
Rd/s/q "%systemroot% \ software distribution \ download"
rd/s/q“% SystemRoot % \ Assembly”
rd/s/q“% SystemRoot % \ Help”
rd/s/q“% SystemRoot % \ reinstall backups”
del/a/s/q“% SystemRoot % \ INF \ *。 pnf "
del/a/f/s/q“% SystemRoot % \ INF \ INF cache . 1”
Directory %SystemRoot%\inf\*. */ad/b & gt; %SystemRoot%\vTmp.txt
Execute rd/s/q "%systemroot% \ INF \%% a" for /f %%a in (%SystemRoot%\vTmp.txt).
del/a/f/s/q " % SystemRoot % \ driver? \*.pnf "
del/a/f/s/q " % SystemRoot % \ driver? \InfCache. 1 "
del/a/f/s/q " % system drive % \ driver? \*.pnf "
del/a/f/s/q " % system drive % \ driver? \InfCache. 1 "
rd/s/q " % SystemRoot % \ temp " & amp; MD“% SystemRoot % \ temp”
del/a/f/s/q“% SystemRoot % \ Prefetch \ *。 *"
del/a/f/s/q“% SystemRoot % \ minidump \ *。 *"
Echo is cleaning up useless disk error detection files (system partition) ...
del /a /f /q "%SystemDrive%\*。 chk "
Found directory% SystemDrive% \. ? /ad/b & gt; %SystemRoot%\vTmp.txt
For /f %%a in (%SystemRoot%\vTmp.txt), execute rd/s/q "%systemdrive% \%% a".
Echo is cleaning up the anti-installation directory left by the system upgrade patch (corrected to correct cleaning). ...
dir % SystemRoot % \ $ * $/ad/b & gt; %SystemRoot%\vTmp.txt
Execute rd/s/q "%systemroot% \%% a" for /f %%a in (%SystemRoot%\vTmp.txt).
Echo is cleaning up common software junk items (default directory) ...
Rd/s/q "%program files% \ InstallShield installation information"
ren " % program files % \ Common ~ 1 \ Real \ Update _ OB \ Real sched . exe " Real sched . ex _
del " % program files % \ Common ~ 1 \ Real \ Update _ OB \ Real sched . exe "
Reg Delete "HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Current version \ Running" /v TkBellExe /f
rd/s/q“% program files % \ Tencent \ QQ game \ Download”
taskkill/f/im " Tim platform . exe "/t
del/a/f/s/q " % program files % \ Tencent \ QQ \ Tim platform . exe "
del/a/f/s/q " % program files % \ Kaspersky Lab \ *。 tmp "
After clearing all echoes, press any key to exit (note: this is normal if the prompt file is not found). ...
del %SystemRoot%\vTmp.txt
It is estimated that it can clean up dozens of g.
If it is helpful, please accept it and choose it as a satisfactory answer. Thank you!