Qi Weiwang said, "My standard of measuring wealth is different from yours. There was a minister named Tan Zi, who sent him to guard Cheng Nan. The Chu army did not dare to invade. Twelve vassal States of Surabaya came to worship me. I have a man named, who was ordered to guard Gaotang. Zhao people dare not come to the east bank of the Yellow River to fish. One of my officials, Qian Fu, asked him to be stationed in Xuzhou. Yan (y n) prayed at the north gate of Xuzhou, while Zhao prayed at the west gate of Xuzhou, asking for my blessing. More than 7,000 of them moved to Qi for the people. I also have a minister named Seed Head, who will be responsible for anti-theft, so that domestic roads will not be connected. These four ministers, their achievements will shine thousands of miles, where they just illuminate the twelve cars before and after! "