The ancestors of Gou Jian, the king of Yue, are descendants of Yu Xia, the son of Xia Shaokang. Emperor Shao Kang's son was sealed in Huiji, respectfully offering sacrifices and inheriting Yu Xia's sacrifices. They were tattooed, their hair was cut short, grass was removed and cities were built. After more than twenty generations, it spread to Yunchang. When Yun Chang was in power, he resented the king of Wu and attacked each other. After the death of Yun Chang, his son Gou Jian succeeded to the throne. This is the King of Yue.
In the first year of Gou Jian, the King of Yue (496 BC), the King of Wu heard that Yunshang had died and sent troops to crusade against Yue. Gou Jian, the King of Yue, sent warriors who dared to die to challenge Wu Jun. The warriors rushed into the Wu Jun position in three rows and committed suicide screaming. Wu Bing was dumbfounded. The Vietnamese army took the opportunity to attack Wu Jun, defeated Wu Jun in Lee and shot the Prince. Before he died, He Lu warned his son Fuxi, "Don't forget to cross this country."
Three years ago (496 BC), Gou Jian heard that Fu Cha, the king of Wu, was training day and night, and he wanted to retaliate against Yue, so he planned to attack Wu before sending his troops. Fan Li remonstrated: "No, I heard that weapons are killing weapons, and it is against morality to attack and fight first." Conspiracy to do immoral things, love to use murder weapons, and personally participate in shoddy things will definitely be opposed by the Emperor of Heaven, which is absolutely unfavorable. King Yue said, "I have made my decision." So Banshi marched into Wu. After hearing the news, the king of Wu used the national elite troops to meet the Vietnamese army and defeated the Vietnamese army in Fujiao. The King of Yue only assembled 5,000 beaten troops to retreat to Huiji. The prince of Wu pursued the victory and surrounded Huiji.
The King of Yue said to Fan Li, "I don't listen to your advice. What should I do?" Fan Li replied: "those who can completely maintain their achievements will certainly follow the example of natural surplus without overflowing;" Those who can pacify the overthrow must know that human beings advocate humility; Those who can control their own affairs will follow the tunnel and adapt to local conditions. "Now, be courteous to the prince and send someone to give him a generous gift. If he refuses, you will personally serve him and make a promise to Wu. " Gou Jian said, "All right!" So he sent a doctor to make peace with Wu. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed and said, "The king's servant, sentence sword, let me tell your employees to be bold: Gou Jian asked you to allow him to be your slave and his wife to be your concubine." The king of Wu will promise to plant. Zi Xu said to the king of Wu, "The Emperor of Heaven gave the state of Yue to Wu, so don't promise him." After planting back in Vietnam, he told the sentence. The sword was sentenced to kill his wife and children, burn his jewels, and fight to death on the battlefield. One way to stop the sentence from saying, "Wu Taizai is very greedy." We can lure him with a lot of money. Please allow me to secretly go to Wu to accommodate him. " So Gou Jian asked the species to give the beautiful woman's jewels and jade articles to Taizai. Hao readily accepted, so he introduced the doctor to the king of Wu. A kowtow said, "I hope your majesty will forgive me for the crime of sword. We will give you all the treasures handed down from ancient times. If you are not lucky enough to be pardoned, Gou Jian will kill all his wives and children, burn his jewels, and lead his 5 thousand soldiers to fight you to the death, and you will pay a considerable price. " Hao Taizai took the opportunity to persuade the King of Wu: "The King of Yue was a courtier. If he is pardoned, it will benefit our country. " The king of Wu promised to plant it again. Zi Xu remonstrated: "If you don't destroy Yue State today, you will regret it." Jane is a wise monarch, and Zhong He is a wise minister. If sentence Jian can return to Yue, the world will be in chaos. "The prince didn't listen to zixu's advice, and finally pardoned the king of Yue and withdrew to return home.
When Gou Jian was trapped in Huiji, Zeng Kui (Ku? Then he sighed and said, "Will I end my life here?" "Species" said: "Shang Tang was imprisoned in Xiapi, trapped in yǒu, Jin fled to Zhai, Qi fled to Ju, and finally became kings, dominating the world. From this point of view, can't our situation today be a blessing? "
The King of Wu pardoned the King of Yue. After Gou Jian returned home, he thought carefully and painstakingly, hung his gallbladder on his seat, and then he could look up and taste it and eat it. He also said, "Have you forgotten the shame of Ji Ji?" He farmed by himself, his wife wove by herself, and he never had meat for dinner. Never wear two layers of gorgeous clothes, be polite to sages, be considerate, treat guests warmly, help the poor, mourn the dead and work with the people. The King of Yue asked Fan Li to manage state affairs. Fan Li replied, "I am not as good at using troops as I am; Calm down to appease the country and let the people get close to you. I might as well plant it. " So, he entrusted the state affairs to the doctor, asked Fan Li to make peace with the doctor Ji Zhe, and then went to the State of Wu as a hostage. Two years later, Wu Pai sent him back to China.
After returning to China from Huiji for seven years, Gou Jian always comforted his soldiers and people, hoping to avenge Wu. The doctor met (P? Wu Zixu remonstrated, saying, "The country just went into exile, and today it is rich. Wu is afraid of rectifying armaments, and it is afraid, and disaster is inevitable. In addition, when fierce big birds attack the target, they must hide first. Now, Wu Jun is on the border of Qi and Jin, and he hates Chu's guts. Although it is famous all over the world, it actually harms the Zhou royal family. Wu's lack of virtue is indispensable. He must be very arrogant. If you really think about Yue, it is better to make friends with Qi, get close to Chu, join Jin and be kind to Wu. Wu is ambitious. He must look down on war. Let our country contact the forces of the Three Kingdoms, let them attack Wu, and let Yue conquer it when it is tired. " Gou Jian said, "Good."
Two years later, the prince of Wu will crusade against Qi. Zi Xu Jin remonstrated, saying, "No way. I heard that James Zhu never cooks two good dishes, and shares joys and sorrows with the people. The immortality of this man must be a worry for our country. When Wu arrived in Yue, it was a worry, while Qi was like a scar to Wu. I hope the king will give up attacking Qi and conquer the world first. " The king of Wu refused to listen, and sent troops to attack Qi. He defeated Qi in Aileen and captured Gao and Guo's family back to Wu. The prince of Wu scolded Zixu, who said, "Don't be too happy!" The prince of Wu was very angry and Zixu wanted to commit suicide. When the prince heard this, he stopped him. The doctor of Yue said, "I observed that the King of Wu had too much power. Please allow me to sound him out and borrow food to find out the attitude of the prince of Wu towards Yue. " Kind of borrowed food from the prince of Wu. The prince of Wu wanted to lend it to him, but Zixu suggested not to. The king of Wu still lent it to him, and the king of Yue was secretly happy. Zi Xu said, "If the King of Qi doesn't listen to my advice, Wu will be in ruins in three years!" After hearing this, Taizai Hao argued with Zixu many times about his plan to deal with the state of Yue, and took the opportunity to slander Zixu, saying, "The State of Wu is honest on the surface, but in fact it is cruel. He doesn't even care about his father and brother. How can he care about the king? " The last time, the King of Qi tried to attack the State of Qi, and the soldiers strongly protested against him. Later you played well, but he hated you for it. If you don't watch out for him, he will definitely make trouble. "Hao also conspired with Feng * * * to slander Zi Xu again and again in front of the king. At first, the king of Qi did not listen to slanderers and sent Zixu to Qi. When Qi Weiwang heard that Zixu entrusted his son to Bao, he was furious and said, "Wu Yuan really cheated me! "After Zixu returned to China, the prince of Wu sent someone to give Zixu a" ornamental "sword to commit suicide. Zi Xu smiled and said, "I will help your father dominate and make you king. You wanted to share Wu with me at first, but I didn't accept it. Not long after, today you killed me because of a rumor. Alas, alas, you can never build a country alone! Zi Xu said to the emissary, "I must take out my eyes and hang them on the east gate of the capital of Wu, so that I can see the Vietnamese army enter the city with my own eyes." So the prince of Wu was in charge of state affairs.
Three years later, Gou Jian summoned him and said, "The king of Wu killed Xu, and there were many flatterers. Can you attack Wu? " Fan Li replied, "No."
The following spring, the prince of Wu went to Huangchi in the north to see the princes. All the elite troops of Wu followed the king to the meeting, and the old and weak soldiers and the king stayed in Wudu. Gou Jian asked if he could attack Wu. Fan Li said, "All right". So they sent 2000 soldiers familiar with water warfare, 40000 well-trained soldiers, 6000 well-educated senior guards, 1000 management and technical officials to attack Wu. Wu Jun was defeated, and the Vietnamese army also killed the king of Wu. The emissary of the State of Wu rushed to the King of Wu, who was meeting the prince in the Imperial Pool. He was afraid that everyone in the world would hear the news of the fiasco and stick to it. The prince of Wu had an appointment with a vassal in Huangchi, so he sent someone to make peace with Yue with a generous gift. The King of Yue estimated that he could not destroy the State of Wu, so he made peace with the State of Wu.
Four years later, the State of Yue attacked the State of Wu. The soldiers and civilians of Wu were exhausted, and all the elite soldiers died in the war with Qi and Jin. So, the state of Yue defeated Wu Jun and surrounded Wudu for three years. Wu Jun failed, and the State of Yue besieged the prince of Wu on Gusu Mountain. The King of Wu sent Gong Sunxiong to take off his coat and kneel down to make peace with the King of Yue, saying, "Fu Cha, a helpless courtier, took the liberty to express his wishes. I once offended you in Huiji, but I dare not disobey your orders. If I can make peace with you, I will withdraw my troops and go home. Today, you come to punish this orphan. I'll do whatever you want me to do, but my private intention is to forgive me for Fucha's sins like Kuaijishan did to you! " Gou Jian couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to promise the prince of Wu. Fan Li said, "What we should remember is that God gave Yue to Wu, but Wu didn't want it. Today, God gave the State of Wu to Yue. Can yue go against the sky? Besides, isn't it because of the state of Wu that the imperial court is in full swing? I have planned to attack Wu for 22 years. Once I give up, okay? God gave it to you but didn't want it, so you will be punished instead. " Use an axe to cut wood to make an axe handle, which looks close at hand. "Have you forgotten Huiji's suffering?" Gou Jian said, "I want to hear your advice, but I can't bear to part with his messenger." Fan Li beat the drum and said, "Your Majesty has entrusted me with the administration of state affairs. The emissary of Wu should leave quickly, or you will regret it. " The emissary of Wu left with tears. Gou Jian pitied him and sent someone to say to the king of Wu, "I will put you in Yongdong! Rule a hundred. " The king of Wu declined and said, "I am too old to serve you!" " Then he committed suicide, burying his face in suicide and saying, "I have no face to see my son!" " The King of Yue buried the King of Wu and killed Hao, the Taizai.
After Gou Jian pacified the State of Wu, he sent troops to the north to cross the Yellow River, met the princes of Qi and Jin in Xuzhou, and paid tribute to the Zhou royal family. Zhou Yuanwang sent someone to give kiku the sacrificial meat, calling him "Bo". Sentence Jian left Xuzhou, crossed the Huaihe River in the south, gave the Huaihe River basin to Chu, and returned the land occupied by Wu to Song. A hundred miles east of Surabaya was given to Lu. At that time, the Vietnamese army was unimpeded to the east of Jianghuai, and governors came to celebrate. The king of Yue is called the overlord.
So Fan Li left the King of Yue and wrote a letter to the doctor of Qi. The letter said: "The birds are exhausted, and the bow is hidden; A sly rabbit dies, but a running dog cooks. King Yue is a bird with a long neck. Can only be bitter, not happy. Why don't you leave? " After reading the letter, the species claimed that it was sick and stopped suing. Someone slandered the seed and gave it a sword, saying, "You taught me seven moves to attack Wu, and I defeated Wu with only three moves. You still have those four. Please try those four for me in front of the late king! " Kind of like suicide.
When Gou Jian died, his son Wang wanted to be embarrassed (sh? , stone) and acceded to the throne. After the princess died, his son Wang succeeded to the throne after his death. Wang died before his birthday, and his son Wang Weng ascended the throne. After Wang Weng died, his son Wang Ming succeeded to the throne. Wang Ming died, his son Wang succeeded to the throne, Wang died and his son Wang Wuqiang succeeded to the throne.
When there was no strength, Yue sent troops to attack Qi in the north and Chu in the west in order to compete with other countries in the Central Plains. When he was in Chu Weiwang, the State of Yue attacked the State of Qi, and Qi Weiwang sent someone to persuade the King of Yue, saying, "If the State of Yue does not attack the State of Chu, it will be a big deal for the king and a small one for the tyrant. It is estimated that the reason why Yue did not attack Chu was that it could not get the support of Korea and Wei. Han and Wei never attacked Chu. If Korea attacks Chu, its army will be destroyed, the general will be killed, and Ye and Yang Zhai will be in danger. The same is true of Wei's attack on Chu. The army was destroyed and the general was killed. Chen and Shang Cai are unstable. Therefore, the Han and Wei dynasties serve the country, the army will not be destroyed, and it will not be killed, and the hard work will not be revealed. Why do you attach importance to the support of the Han and Wei Dynasties? " The King of Yue said, "I want the Han and Wei Dynasties, not to fight to the death with the Chu army, let alone to besiege the city. I hope Wei Jun will gather at the entrance of the girder, the Qi army will train in Nanyang and Ju, and gather at the border of Changtan. Then the Chu army outside Fangcheng will no longer go south, and the Chu army between Huaisi will no longer go east. The Chu army in the west of Shang, Yu, Yan, Li and Zonghu, that is, the land of the Central Plains, will be unable to defend Qin, and the Chu army in Jiangnan and Division will also be unable to defend Yue. Then Qi, Qin, Han and Wei can realize their wishes in Chu, so that Han and Wei can expand without fighting and reap without plowing. Z Now Han and Wei don't do this, but attack each other between the Yellow River and Huashan Mountain, which is used by Chyi Chin. The expected Han and Wei made such mistakes, how can we rely on them to be king? " The envoy of the State of Qi said, "It is fortunate that the State of Yue has not perished! I don't value their use of ingenuity, because that ingenuity is like eyes. Although I can see a hair, I can't see eyelashes. Today, the king knows that Han Wei made a mistake, but he doesn't know his own. This is the theory that the eyes can see a hair, but they can't see their eyelashes. The king's expectation of the Han and Wei Dynasties is not their great contribution, nor their alliance with the Han and Wei Dynasties, but the dispersion of the Chu army. Now that the Chu army has dispersed, why do you need Han and Wei things? " King Yue said, "What shall we do?" The messenger said, "Dr. Chu San has divided his troops and surrounded Quwo and Yuzhong to the north until there is no false pass." The front line is 3700 miles long. Cui Jing's troops have gathered in the northern part of Lu, Qi and Nanyang. Can there be more dispersed troops than this? Besides, what the king wants is to make Jin and Chu fight; Jin Chu won't fight, and the state of Yue won't send troops, so he only knows 25 but not 10. At this time, I didn't attack Chu, so judging from the big aspect, the king of Yue said that he didn't want to be king, and judging from the small aspect, he didn't want to dominate. Besides revenge (ch? U, Qiu), Pang and Changsha are areas where Chu is rich in grain, and Jingzeling is an area where Chu is rich in wood. When the State of Yue sent troops into the customs, these four places could no longer provide Ying Du with food and materials. I heard that if you want to be king, you can't be king, but you can still dominate. However, if you can't dominate, the kingship will be completely lost. Therefore, I sincerely hope that you will turn to attack Chu. "
So the State of Yue gave up the State of Qi to attack the State of Chu. Chu Weiwang sent his troops to meet the Vietnamese army, defeated the Vietnamese army, killed Wu Qiang, seized all the land from the former State of Wu to Zhejiang, and defeated the Qi army in Xuzhou in the north. As a result, the state of Yue fell apart, and children of all ethnic groups fought for power and profit. Some are kings, some are kings. They lived along the coast of the south of the Yangtze River and paid tribute to Chu.
After seven generations, the throne was passed on to Min Junyao who helped the princes overthrow the Qin Dynasty. Emperor Gaudi of the Han Dynasty was restored as the King of Yue and continued to worship Yue. Dongyue and Minjun are descendants of Yue State.
Fan Li served Gou Jian, the King of Yue, and worked hard. After more than 20 years of planning with Gou Jian, Wu was finally destroyed and Huiji's shame was cleared. The Vietnamese army marched north into the Huaihe River and reached the border of Qi and Jin, ordering all countries in the Central Plains to respect Zhou Shi, and Gou Jian claimed hegemony. Fan Li became a general. After returning home, I thought that my reputation could not last long. Moreover, as a person, Jian Jian could share pains with him, but it was difficult to share happiness with him. He wrote a farewell letter to Gou Jian, saying, "I heard that when a monarch is worried about his officials, he will work hard. When a monarch is humiliated, his officials will die. You were humiliated in Huiji before, and the reason why I didn't die was for revenge. Now that I have reported my shame, I ask you to give my monarch the death penalty for being humiliated at the meeting. " Gou Jian said, "I would like to share the country with you. Otherwise, you will be blamed. " Fan Li said: "The monarch can carry out your orders, and officials still follow their own interests." So he packed some soft jewels, left by boat from the sea with his entourage, and never returned to Yue. In recognition of Fan Li, Gou Jian took Huiji Mountain as his fief.
I went to Qi by boat and changed my name and surname, calling myself "Chen (Chρ, eating) Pi". He cultivated by the sea, worked hard and produced hard, and his father and son Qi Xin worked together to manage the industry. After a short life, he accumulated hundreds of thousands of property. When the Qi people heard that he was virtuous, they made him a state minister. Fan Li sighed: "If you live at home, you will accumulate thousands of dollars of wealth. If you are an official, you will reach a high position. This is the highest position that ordinary people can reach. It is unlucky to enjoy your surname for a long time. So he returned to Xiangyin, distributed all his property to friends and neighbors, secretly left with precious treasures and settled in Tao Di. He believes that this is the center of the world, the road to trading is smooth, and doing business can make a fortune. So he calls himself Tao Zhugong. It is also agreed that both father and son should cultivate animal husbandry and wait for opportunities when buying and selling in order to get one-tenth of the profits. After a period of time, family assets have accumulated to 100 million. Everyone praised Tao Zhugong.
Zhu Gong lives in Tao Di and has a little son. When the youngest son came of age, the second son of Duke Zhu killed someone and was arrested by the State of Chu. Zhu Gong said, "It is common sense that murderers refuse to die. However, I heard that downtown will not kill a daughter's son. " So he warned his youngest son to visit his second son. He collected 1000 ounces of gold, put it in brown vessels and transported it by ox cart. When the younger son was about to be sent to work, Zhu Gong's eldest son insisted on going, but Zhu Gong didn't agree. The eldest son said, "The eldest son in the family is called a supervisor. Now that my brother has committed a crime, my father sent my brother instead of my eldest son. This shows that I am a black sheep. " The eldest son said he wanted to kill himself. His mother said on his behalf, "sending the younger son now may not save the second son's life, but what if we lose the eldest son first?" Qi Huangong had to send his eldest son, who wrote a letter asking him to give it to his old friend Zhuang Sheng, and said to his eldest son, "When you arrive in Chu, you should send your daughter to Zhuang Sheng's house, and do everything according to his words, and don't argue with him." When the eldest son left, he also took away hundreds of pieces of gold in private.
When the eldest son arrived in Chu, he saw that Zhuang's family was very close to the outer city of Chu, and he could only reach Zhuang's family by spreading weeds. Zhuang Sheng's living conditions are very poor. But the eldest son still opened the letter and gave his daughter to Zhuang Sheng, doing exactly as his father told him. Zhuang Sheng said, "You can leave as soon as possible, and don't stay here! Don't ask why after your brother is released. " The eldest son has already left, and no longer visits Zhuang Sheng. Instead, he stays in Chu privately and gives the gold he carries with him to the powerful people in charge of Chu.
Although Zhuang Sheng lives in a poor country, he is famous for his honesty and integrity in Chu. Since the King of Chu, he has been respected as a teacher. Zhu Gong offered gold, but he didn't mean to accept it. He just wanted to give it back to Zhu Gong as a token of his credit. So, after the gold was delivered, he said to his wife, "This is Zhu Gong's money, and I will pay it back to Zhu Gong in full in the future, but I don't know when, just like I can't tell others in advance when I am sick. Never use it. " But Zhu Gong's eldest son didn't know what Johnson meant, and thought that giving the property to Johnson wouldn't play any role.
Zhuang sheng took the opportunity to visit the king of Chu in the palace and said, "If a star moves to a certain place, it will harm the State of Chu." King Chu usually trusts Zhuang Sheng and asks, "What now?" Zhuang Sheng said: "Only by practicing benevolence and morality can we avoid disaster." King Chu said, "You don't have to say anything, I will do it." The king of Chu sent messengers to block the warehouse where San Qian was stored. The dignitaries of the State of Chu told Zhu Gong's eldest son in surprise: "The King of Chu is going to grant amnesty to the whole world." The eldest son asked, "What do I think?" The aristocrat said, "Every time the King of Chu granted amnesty to the world, he always sealed the warehouse where San Qian was stored. Last night, the king of Chu sent someone to seal it. " Zhu Gong's eldest son thought that since the amnesty, his younger brother could be released naturally, and 1,200 gold was equivalent to throwing away the place where Zhuang Sheng lived, which was useless, so he went to see Zhuang Sheng again. Johnson asked in surprise, "Didn't you leave?" The eldest son said, "I have never left." I'm here for my brother, but today Chu is negotiating an Amnesty, and my brother was naturally released, so I came to say goodbye to you. Knowing that he wanted to get the gold back, Zhuang Sheng said, "Go back to your room and get the gold yourself." . "The eldest son went into the house and took the gold, leaving Zhuangsheng, secretly glad that the gold was recovered.
Deeply ashamed of being betrayed by his children, Zhuang Sheng went to the palace to visit the King of Chu and said, "Last time I said something about a certain star, you said you would do something good to repay it. Now, I heard from passers-by outside that the son of Zhu Gong, a rich man in Tao Di, was imprisoned by the State of Chu, and his family sent a lot of money to bribe people around the King of Chu. Therefore, the King of Qi did not sympathize with the Chu people, just because of Zhu Gong's son. " The king of Chu was furious and said, "Although I have no virtue, how can I be benevolent because of the sons of the princes!" He ordered Zhu Gong's son to be killed first, and the pardon was issued the next day. Zhu Gong's eldest son went home with his brother's body.
When I got home, my mother and neighbors were very sad. Only Zhu Gong smiled and said, "I knew my eldest son couldn't save my brother! It's not that he doesn't love his younger brother, but he just can't bear to give up. He lived with me since childhood, experienced all kinds of hardships, and knew the hardships of making a living, so he valued money very much and dared not spend it easily. As for my little brother, I was born to see that I am rich. I went hunting in the suburbs by bus and riding a horse. I didn't know where the money came from, so I took it lightly and gave it up without stint. It turned out that I was going to let my youngest son go. It turned out that he was willing to give up his wealth, but the eldest son couldn't give up his wealth, and finally hurt his younger brother. This is reasonable and not worth mourning. I look forward to the return of my second son's body day and night. "
Fan Li moved three times and became famous all over the world. He didn't leave a place at will, but became famous where he lived. Finally, he died of old age in Tao Di, so the world continued to call him Tao Zhugong.
Tai Shigong said that Yu Xia has made great contributions. He once diverted to Jiuhe River and settled in Kyushu. Until today, the whole Kyushu is safe. When his descendant Zhu Jian worked hard and had a far-sighted vision, he finally wiped out the powerful State of Wu, marched north to the Central Plains and respected Zhou Shi, and was called the overlord. Can you say you are not good? This may be Yu Xia's legacy. Fan Li's three actions left a glorious reputation, which will last forever. Is it possible for a courtier and monarch to do this?