He who can't bear misfortune is unfortunate.
He who can't stand misfortune is unfortunate.
Focus? ns? Ntreit] vi。 Concentration; Concentration; Gather; be absorbed in
Concentration; Focus (attention)
Concentrated solution; Concentrate, choose
You must concentrate all your energy on English learning.
You must concentrate on learning English.
Delicious; Delicious; delicious
Delicious! Delicious! It's delicious.
Delicious, delicious! It is delicious.
4. Curiosity [,kjuri'? Curious, curious; Treasures, antiques, antiques
Curiosity and imagination are usually considered as the key to success.
Curiosity and imagination are usually considered as the key to success.
5, philosophy [Philippines? s? Fi f? -] philosophy; Philosophy; outlook on life
Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.
Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and all philosophy.
6. Element ['elim? Nt] element; Composition; Element; Principle; natural environment
What are the four elements in nature?
What are the four elements of nature?
7. reflect ['reflection] n. Reflection and luminescence; Introspection; show
Reflection on intransitive verbs, reflection; think deeply
High walls reflect sound.
This high wall reflects the sound back.
Capitalism? Pit? Liz. M] capitalism
Many people who preach the ills of capitalism have mortgages.
Many people preach the evils of capitalism, but they are all mortgaged.
Nursery? :s? Nursery; Nursery; hotbed
The kindergarten teacher made the children sit upright.
The kindergarten teacher told the children to sit up straight.
10, advantages n. advantages, value; Advantages; merits and demerits
be awarded
He deserves all the praise they give him.
He deserves all the praise they give him.
1 1, ambition [? [m 'bin] ambition; Ambition, ambition
Ambitious; seek
She never thought about it.
She has never had any ambitions.
12, geography [d? Me? ɡr? Fi] geography; zone
The only methodology of subconscious geography research is monism.
The only methodology of subconscious geography research is monism.
Navy? L] navy; warship
In 2007, China's navy delegation and warship formation visited the country.
In 2007, China's naval delegation and fleet visited Indonesia.
Glorious ['ɡl? :ri? Glory; Glory; Brilliant; excellent
Great Italian left-back! He inherited the glorious tradition of Italy!
The great Italian left-back, he inherited the glorious tradition of Italy!
15, congratulations [k? n'ɡr? t? U, leit] celebrate; Congratulations; congratulate
I often congratulate myself.
I often congratulate myself.
Nervous? :v? Nervous; Nervous; Nervous; Powerful
This desert is worth observing by nervous servants.
This nervous servant is worth observing the desert.
17, grief [π ri: f] n. grief; Sadness; misfortune
He poured out his sorrow.
He poured out his sorrow to us.
18, mosquitoes [m? Skiing: t? mosquito
[plural mosquitoes or mosquitoes]
I saw a mosquito in my eyes.
I saw a mosquito in front of my eyes.
19, guilty ['ɡ ilti] adj.; ashamed
Grandma feels guilty, I know.
Grandma feels guilty, I know.
20, cassette [k? Install the cassette tape; Cassette tape; Jewelry box; Film storage box
He often catalogues his favorite radio festivals into tapes.
He often lists his favorite radio festivals on tape.