First of all, the things bought online are still so-called jadeites without unified identification standards. You think you're not fooled? Jewelry and jade industry is a face-to-face transaction, which is said to be "eye-catching" (buying the wrong fake). What do you think this website can give you? If someone tells you what to do in person, you can ask him to give you a guarantee, at least with his real estate or something, to ensure that he can buy back from you at a price of 120% after one year. Is this ok? When they fool you, the annualized income is much higher than 20%. If the introducer can't do it, hehe, you know.
In addition, this so-called Tiandi Friends Group, you can search online, and you can't find the introduction of their company's top management at all, and there is no basic information such as name and qualifications. Can such a company be trusted? Their high-profile dignitaries have "virtue" first, but their more than 50 companies basically have illegal or irregular behaviors in labor and employment.
So, if you want to buy jewelry and gold, you should go to the old brand. Don't be fooled by such a company.