I want to report you ... Dadada. ...
I want to report you ... Dadada. ...
I want to report you ... Dadada. ...
I want to report you ... I want to report you.
I want to report you ... girl, you know.
I'm going to report you ... bitch or human.
I want to report you ... I want to report you.
I am still the fattest glutton.
Tapin record of the bomb on his back (uh-huh)
If they don't want me, blow electromagnetism.
The National Guard knew that someone was following them and was afraid of me.
I like beef. I received your hoe.
A drug-stealing bitch, I will accept your marijuana.
These slugs will keep you away from my corner
I drowned at 100 degrees. This has nothing to do with the sauna on the east coast or the west coast.
If you can take action-if you want a black fool.
This is a lyrical piranha-Yo's mother is holding a Grenade in the swimming pool.
Attack her leg and pull her down.
"Sounds like a stupid lettin condom.
"If you bastards have a problem.
When I saw "electromagnetism-your hoe" in that damn grave.
In a big box or hidden black and gold finished product.
When you scream in the garage
Keep the motor and my lyrics-
I'm going to report you.
[Eminem Chorus:
I want to report you. I don't care who you are, I will report you.
In the shadow age, I won't care about you or your car, I'll turn you in.
Your fucking house, your fucking jewelry and your fucking looks-I'll turn you in.
Fuck your wife, fuck your children, fuck your family.
I'll shh. ...
] [Great:
I'm an alcoholic.-where is it convenient?
Through hot dogs (strange, aren't you Islamic? )
Shut your mouth, that fucking bitch
I'll eat until Richard Simmons comes to my house.
Saw me off (my house, my house) with a chain saw.
God, mom, your wife-I've had sex with her since I met her.
Too busy, damn it'-your nanny (hahaha)
And all women are not rubbish.
Dick, who is only suitable for cooking, cleaning and nursing-that's it (I said)
I am responsible for killing John's candy.
Ramsey got JonBennet 98 Camry before me (she lost it again)
I can't have sex. Who are you?
I'm going to turn anyone in.
The real you.-this is unusual.