The crown beads on the hats of senior officials in the Qing Dynasty are rubies, and the bottom is a gold base. The royal family in the Qing Dynasty liked rubies very much, including the big ruby that sometimes appeared on the emperor's hat. Moreover, the crown jewels of the prince are mainly rubies, which shows that the value of rubies in the Qing Dynasty is very high. Except emperors and princes, ordinary officials can only wear rubies if they are first-class ministers. Therefore, the value of this tripod bead is incalculable, at least in the case of buying and selling official positions in the late Qing Dynasty, it is priceless.
The crown beads on the hats of the second-class officials of the Qing Dynasty are red corals with gold bases. Red coral is an organic gem and very rare. Its value is also very incalculable.
The crown bead on the hat of the officials of the third grade in the Qing Dynasty is a sapphire with a silver background. Compared with the rarity of ruby and red coral, the reserve of sapphire in the Qing court at that time should be very large. Moreover, the number of officials with three products is obviously higher than that of officials with one or two products. The price of sapphire is also greatly influenced by the official position and reserve it represents.
The crown beads on the hats of Siguan in Qing Dynasty are lapis lazuli and the base is brass. The value of lapis lazuli is hard to judge. Judging from its matching brass base, its value is definitely not as good as the top Buddha beads of first-,second-and third-class officials.
In the Qing Dynasty, the crown beads on the hats of five officials were crystal, while the crown beads on the hats of six officials were stiff. The bases under the crown beads of these two grades are all brass. The value is immeasurable, and by the end of the Qing Dynasty, some officials of this level had begun to sell directly.
There are no jewels on the hats of officials below grade seven in the Qing Dynasty. They use pure gold instead of rare beads, which is just one thing.