Zhangbei Bashang Grassland is located in the north of Zhangbei County, Zhangjiakou City. This used to be the place where the Qing emperor went hunting in autumn. The air here is pure, with little pollution, and it is a well-preserved natural grassland.
In summer, the weather on the grassland is cool, flowers are everywhere and white clouds are fluttering. At this time, it is the best time to visit the grassland scenery. You can live in a unique yurt or bring your own tent.
The ecological system here is complete, and there are hymns such as "shaping the grass to grow endlessly", "the wind blows the white grass" and "deep grass lies on the sheep and horses".
Green grass, blue sky, white clouds, herds of cattle and sheep, camel bells ringing, birds singing, yurts, milk tea, hand-grabbed meat, mutton and mushroom soup and delicious oatmeal noodles are all grassland customs beyond the Great Wall.
Bashang refers to the southernmost tip of Beijing and Inner Mongolia Plateau, including Zhangbei, Shangyi, Kangbao and Guyuan counties on Zhangjiakou Dam and Fengning and Weichang counties on Chengde Dam, with a total area of more than 200,000 square kilometers.
Zhangbei Bashang Grassland is located in the north of Zhangbei County, Zhangjiakou City.