Hui Shi became an official of Liang, and Zhuangzi went to visit him. Someone told Hui Shi: "Zhuangzi came to Liang and wanted to replace you as prime minister." So Hui Shi was so scared that he searched for three days and three nights in Beijing. Zhuangzi went to see him and said, "There is a bird in the south. Do you know its name? Take off from the South China Sea and fly to the North Sea, not because the buttonwood tree is not alive, the fruit of bamboo is not eaten, and the sweet spring water is not drunk. At this time, the owl picked up a rotten mouse and the bird flew in front of it. The owl raised its head and let out a "scared" roar. Now you still want to' scare' me with your Guo Liang? "
It is better to be a free turtle.
One day, Zhuangzi was fishing in the whirlpool water. Two doctors appointed by the king of Chu came to hire him and said, "My king has long heard of Mr. Xian's name, and he wants to be tired of state affairs. Mr. Wang Shen came out of the mountain happily, thinking that the king would share his worries and the people would seek happiness. " Zhuangzi ignored the pole and said indifferently; "I heard that there was a turtle in Chu, and it was three thousand years old when it was killed. The king of Chu treasured bamboo boxes, covered with brocade, and enshrined them in the temple. Excuse me, Second Doctor, would this tortoise rather leave a bone after death, or would it rather sneak its tail in the mud when it is alive? " The second doctor said, "naturally, I would like to wag my tail in the mud alive." Zhuangzi said, "Two doctors, please go home! I am also willing to drag my tail in the mud. "
2. Zhuangzi and Keiko swim in Haoliang.
Zhuangzi and Hui Shi are playing on Haoshui Bridge. Zhuangzi said: "How leisurely the white fish swims in the river is the happiness of the fish." Hui Shi said, "If you are not a fish, how do you know the happiness of the fish?" Zhuangzi said, "If you are not me, how do you know that I don't know the happiness of fish?" Hui Shi said: "I am not you, although I don't know you;" You are not a fish, you don't know the happiness of fish, that's for sure! " Zhuangzi said, "Please start from our original topic. If you say' where do you know that fish are happy', it means that you already know that I know that fish are happy and are asking me. You will know it on a bridge with good water. "
A, wang wei summoned Zhuangzi.
Zhuangzi was very poor, so he made a living by weaving straw sandals and borrowed rice from Hou Jianhe. Arguably, in order to solve the problem of cooking without rice, he should just eat like Confucius trapped in Cai Chen, and only pay attention to the "meat is not straight, food is not straight" at the state banquet in Lu Aigong. But he didn't do it.
Wang Wei summoned Zhuangzi and saw him covered in patches. He asked, "Mr. Wang is so knowledgeable, why is he so embarrassed?" He hit the nail on the head and replied, "How can you live in this world without embarrassment?" The implication is that the world is in a daze, and all extravagant eaters are guys with sores and pus.
Second, the king of Chu hired Zhuangzi as the phase.
The king of Chu heard that Zhuangzi was very learned, and specially sent two doctors (official names) to hire him as his wife. Two doctors were talking about water. They found Zhuangzi who was fishing and explained their purpose.
Hearing this, Zhuangzi replied without looking back: "I heard that there was a turtle in Chu State that died for 3,000 years. The tortoise shell with dead bones is still treasured by the king of Chu. How lucky you say this animal is! " The two doctors didn't quite understand this meaning, thinking that what others said was the meaning of King Chu Jingxian.
Unexpectedly, Zhuangzi sneered: "As for me, I'd rather drag my tail in the mud, because at least I'm still alive and free, and I don't want the king of Chu to present a treasure." The two doctors retired in shame and shame.
Three, Zhuangzi on the beginning of heaven and earth, don't believe in ghosts and gods.
When I was in Zhuangzi, the gods in the sky were recognized by many people, especially the nobles, who thought their wealth and destiny were the privilege given to them by their dear gods.
Laozi said that "things are human beings, born naturally ...", but he has denied the theory that heaven and earth were created by God. Lao Tzu also said, "Tao is before the emperor."
I went to Zhuangzi to further explain this sentence logically. He said, "There are innate creatures." ? Things are not things. "The original thing that can produce matter must be something more advanced than the material form. It is not a thing, so we can't know it, and we can't say how it exists.
So he doesn't make ghosts at all. He said: "My husband (heaven and earth) drives me to open, make me live, make me old and make me die. Therefore, it is good for my life; So, dying is good for me. " To live is to live. After his death, so did his wife. He knocked on the basin filled with water, singing and dancing while knocking. Meet him, his friend is also a philosopher, and he will not feel sorry for criticizing him for being unkind.
Zhuangzi said: "It's normal for people not to live or die, and it's normal for the transformation of Qi shape. What do you know! " Really, we are constantly dying every minute. At a certain time, a process will naturally end. What is there to be sad or happy about?
In fact, this is an extremely profound philosophy while challenging the theory of ghosts and gods.
Fourth, talk to Hui Shi about fish.
Zhuangzi and Hui Shi are watching fish in the city. Zhuangzi said, "How happy the fish are swimming around."
Hui Shi, an expert in logical argumentation, immediately caught a point: "You are not a fish, how do you know the happiness of a fish?"
Zhuang Zi smiled and replied with the same logic: "You are not me either. How do you know I don't understand the happiness of fish? "
In logic, this is a famous example. Some people say that Zhuangzi is somewhat sophistry in logic. But this is actually another story: Zhuangzi told Hui Shi not to impose your theory on others, because you can't replace others. Hui Shi was famous for his erudition in ancient times. When traveling, he followed behind with a book of five cars, and gained a reputation by eloquence and erudition, so Zhuangzi said so.
Five, "Zhuangzi" on beauty or not.
Zhuangzi said that there is no absolute truth in the world. You said Mao Cha and Li Ji in Zuo Zhuan were great beauties. That's only the opinion of some people at most. If everything in the world is the most beautiful after it, then why don't fish appreciate this beauty at all, but turn around and run?
He further said that people get sick when they sleep in wetlands, but loach regards wetlands as paradise. Moreover, Mount Tai is not as big as Qiu Millie, but the world of Mount Tai is only Qiu Millie's rice, so Qiu Millie can also be a mountain …
what did you say ? It turned out that he had something to say. He said: you say someone is beautiful, but I don't think it is necessarily beautiful; You say someone is a saint, but I can't agree that he is actually a saint; You say he is noble, but on the other hand, I say he is extremely despicable. ...
Six, Yao and Shun despicable.
Yao Shun is an example of Confucianism as a saint. Zhuangzi, out of great dissatisfaction with the cruel rule of feudal society, also took these people in. He made up a story about it, which showed that emperors would kill people for power, steal the country for waiting, behave badly, and seem to be benevolent. The king's law was actually designed to harm human nature and enrich the people.
Zhuangzi praised the good roll is a what kind of person? "Li Yu is in the universe, wearing fur in winter and Ge Xun in summer; Spring ploughing is enough labor; Autumn converges, and the body is enough to rest; Work at sunrise and rest at sunset, enjoying yourself between heaven and earth.
This is a standard man who is self-sufficient in labor. At the same time, it is also a description of Laozi's "the people are rich and the country is strong". It is best not to have a society ruled by a crown. Therefore, Yao and Shun are despicable, redundant and harmful.
Seven, "Zhuangzi" light phase.
Hui Shi became the prime minister of Wei, and Zhuangzi went to see him, because although they had some theoretical differences, they were still friends in philosophy. At this time, someone defiantly said, "Keiko, be careful. Zhuangzi is here. His academic reputation is higher than yours, which is a threat to you. "
Hui Shi really ordered the master to be taken away, but he didn't mention it after searching for three days. Unexpectedly, on the fourth day, Zhuangzi came to inquire from nowhere.
Hui Shi made preparations nervously. Shortly after Zhuangzi came in, he said unhurriedly, "Have you heard the story of that rare bird and animal in the south? Owls belong to the Phoenix family. It is not because the phoenix tree is not alive, bamboo is not enough to satisfy hunger, and spring is ungrateful. One day, the eagle caught a dead mouse and held it tightly for fear of being taken away. What do you say? "
Hui Shi blushed and didn't know what to say.
Eight, Zhuangzi on Confucian scholars.
Many people think that Confucianism and Taoism are at one level, but this is not entirely the case.
One day, Zhuangzi went to Lu and saw the mourning of Lu Guoqun. Lu was originally a country of Confucianism. Ai Gong said to Zhuangzi, "No one here believes your theory. There are Confucian scholars everywhere, and they are all talking about Confucian books."
Zhuangzi said, "Good. But in my opinion, there are not many Confucian scholars in Lu, but even fewer. "
"How can you say less?"
"There are too few worthy of the name. It stands to reason that the Confucian clothing garden is the crown of the temple, and the garden refers to the sky and the ground. You should know astronomy and geography, which is very particular. Just like your next order, you can see the real situation without real talent and learning. "
Lu Aigong really gave an order, and as a result, only one person in the country dared to take to the streets in Confucian clothes. Lu Aigong summoned him, and it was a wizard. Only then did I realize that there are too many things in the world that are not worthy of the name.
Therefore, Taoism is not a pure attack on Confucian theory, but it is similar to this situation.
Nine, Zhuangzi and Orchard Owners
Zhuangzi hit sparrows with a slingshot in an orchard, and I don't know whether it was for fun or for a good meal. At this time, the owner of the orchard met him and suspected that Zhuangzi had stolen chestnuts.
Zhuangzi said, "I just saw a spectacle. A mantis aimed at a cicada and quickly reached for it. I didn't expect a yellowbird to lie behind the mantis. When the mantis didn't pay attention, it was eaten at once. Do you know what this is about? "
"How should I know?" "To tell you the truth, people in this world are all the same. They only care about the immediate interests, but they don't know that there are many crises waiting for him! "
X. Zhuangzi borrows grain.
As we said before, when Zhuangzi was poor and didn't have rice to eat, I thought of the little official who was in charge of the river and I met him once, so I borrowed rice from him.
Jiang Hehou is a cheapskate, but he is also a man with a heart. Unable to refuse, he said, "well, wait a minute." I have recovered the rent of the fief, and I can give you more than 300 yuan of grain and rice for you to eat happily. "
Zhuangzi sat down leisurely: "I just heard a cry for help on the road, looking for a long time, it turned out to be a small crucian carp. Someone threw it into the mud rolled by the wheel. It told me that it was dying of thirst. Give it some water first to keep it alive. I think a little water can only last for a while, so I promised it to lobby wuyue in the south to build water conservancy projects and build a canal to bring water here. What do you think of my idea? " .
Hou Jianhe is also interested: "In that case, it is better to go to the fish beach and look for it. Ok, I'll get you some first. "
Did you forget that Zhuangzi took it? But Zhuangzi wrote in another place, generally speaking, wealth and sages help the poor.
Enlightenment depends on you.