Ho Yin
vortex shedding flowmeter
Neither is Carmen's principle. The working principle of Suko turbine flowmeter is that the fluid flows through the turbine.
Flowmeter sensor
When in use, because the blades of the impeller form a certain angle with the flow direction of the fluid, the impulse of the fluid causes the blades to generate a rotating moment, which overcomes the defects that:
Friction torque
Water resistance
The rear blade rotates, at
moment balance
After the speed is stable, under certain conditions, the speed is directly proportional to the flow, because the blades have
magnetic permeability of material
, it is in the signal detector (by permanent
And the rotating blade cuts the magnetic field lines and periodically changes the coils.
magnetic flux
So as to induce both ends of the coil.
electric pulse
The signal is amplified and shaped by an amplifier to form a continuous signal with a certain amplitude.
rectangular pulse
Wave can travel as far as possible.
Indicating instrument
A that displays the instantaneous flow of fluid.
Integral flux
. The principle of Suko precession vortex flowmeter is to place a group of spiral guide vanes on the inlet side of the flowmeter. When the fluid enters,
flow sensor
At the same time, the guide vanes force the fluid to generate strong vortex. When the fluid enters the diffusion section, the vortex begins to rotate for the second time under the action of backflow, forming a gyro-type vortex precession phenomenon, and the precession frequency is proportional to the flow rate and is not affected by it.
Fluid physics
The influence of properties and density,
detecting element
The measured precession frequency of fluid secondary rotation can be better in a wide flow range.
. Signal classics
Amplification, filtering and shaping are proportional to the flow.
pulse signal
, and then sent to the microprocessor together with the detection signals of temperature, pressure, etc. for integral processing. Finally, at
liquid-crystal display
Upper display
measuring result
(instantaneous flow, cumulative flow, temperature, pressure and other data).