# Contains? " stdio.h "
struct? A {
int? m[30]; //Arranges the array m in the structure a..
struct? Answer? Fun (int? n){
int? I,j,k;
struct? Answer? s; //Declare the automatic structure variable s in the function.
for(I = 0; I & ltn;; s . m[i++]= I+ 1); //Assign 1~ 15 to the structure member array m.
for(j=n- 1,I = 0; I & ltj;; I++, j-)// Invert this array.
k=s.m[i],s.m[i]=s.m[j],s . m[j]= k;
Return? s; //returns the structural variable s
int? main(int? argc,char? *argv[]){
Answer? a; //The structural variable A of the same type declared in the main tone function receives the return value of the function fun.
int? Me;
A = fun (15); //Call fun with 15 (not more than 30, just for example) and assign the result to A..
for(I = 0; I< 15; I++)// output to see if it is in reverse order. ...
printf("%d?" ,a . m[I]);
printf(" \ n ");
Return? 0;
} The running results are as follows: